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Mon, 9 Jun 1997 08:54:33 +0200 (MET DST)
Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Just a few remarks (I don't have precise ideas about the question)

> 2--Is it true that the earth's magnetic field has dropped by about 90% (4
> gauss to 0.4 g) in the last 4,000 years?  And that this field cycles every
> 500,000 years, increasing to about 300 gauss, then dropping to zero &
> reversing (so that the earth'south pole will become negative next cycle) for
> each cycle?

I have read at several places that the poles have reversed several
times during the last million years.

> 	4--& if those three are true, does it figure that we'd be healthier if we
> supplemented the extrinsic source of magnetic energy (living, or at least
> sleeping in a negative magnetic field equal to or exceeding that which living
> things "enjoyed" 4,000+ years ago?

If those things are true, maybe the magnetic field is not so important
for our health, since it has hardly been constant during the million
years of our evolution. That doesn't mean it hasn't any
effect. Experts at meditation recommend to meditate with the body
turned towards the south (if you are in the northern hemisphere). But
during the day, the best direction is the East, because much of the
cosmic "energy" comes from the sun, and the magnetic field becomes
negligible. It may indicate that the earth's magnetic field is not so
important for our health.

Other remark:
Rather than artificial supplementation, I would suggest going outside
in the sun, or walking in the forest, breathing the pure air of the
mountain... I am almost convinced that the sun and the trees influence
our body's electromagnetism, although I have no proof for that.

Best wishes,
