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"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 08:04:09 -0800
text/plain (101 lines)
>No, no, no---I have NOT said fruitaria-whatever can work under any particular
>conditions.  I have said that *you* cannot claim it won't work until you factor in
>all variables, including quality.  Any burden of proof is on you, not me.

And I have presented proof of quality, which you stubbornly and blindly
refuse to accept.

>And I have not, to my knowledge, claimed that any particular toxicity was present in
>your long-ago food.  Instead, I wondered about the possibility and I was trying to
>illustrate with a few toxic cases that I have heard of.

You fantasized about it, you rationalized about it. Time to face reality
and to accept that high brix cannot guarantee success on fruitarian or 100%
raw vegan.

>You saying you're
>sure there was none means little unless you've got a test saying so.  Produce some
>results and settle this because there's no profit to me to carry it further.

>You seem so utterly adamant that you were getting high-quality food and I've hinted
>mightily that a bit of proof might be in order.  I have shared my experiences about

My organic garden was on land that was cleared separately, after our home
was built. No dumping by us or anyone else, to our knowledge. Your demand for
tests is just a red herring - a diversion. Your approach to this is
issue is dishonest, warped and twisted.

>My points on this forum are attacked sometimes as repetitive and boring but, from my
>viewpoint it is quite boring to be everlastingly advised that fruit-eating is a no-no
>because *you* had a personal failure.

It's not just me who did not succeed on fruitarianism. I have stated
repeatedly that I have examined many so-called success claims and found
that the individual was one of: 1) not strict (i.e., non-vegan, eats some
cooked, etc.), 2) not long-term, 3) not following the diet as claimed,
4) not credible - emaciated and/or seriously mentally unbalanced.

And indeed you are boring: you are obsessed with brix, and fail to realize
that your focus on brix is narrow minded and misleading. If you don't
like this forum, I'm sure your rationalizations and excuses for the
ongoing failure of raw vegan and fruitarian regimes, would be welcome
over on the crank science Forum. As raw vegan diets are usually a failure in
the long-term, those folks need all the rationalizations they can find to
help prop up their bogus crank science theories.

>A lack of certified quality is a *big* hole in this

And your assumption that you can focus only on brix and ignore the needs
of the body, is a massive logical fallacy.

>hostility may be showing through in a few of your recent posts and I would appreciate
>it being directed toward your enemies---which I surely ain't.

You attack me every chance you get. You appear to go out of your way to
attack me. You twist and distort my statements to attack me. Your claims
above are simply more of your twisted dishonesty.

>I know not you---nor your adversaries---but I highly suspect that the confused muddle
>that passes for thinking here would bode ill for any livestock if the posters were in
>charge of their nutrition.

Your focus on brix, ignoring the body's nutritional needs, is certainly
muddled thinking.

>I trust you'll notice after a day or so that I don't intend to respond to your post
>that attempts to justify how calling people names is not really calling people
>names.  Seems to me that name-calling, no matter how eloquent the rationalizations,
>is a down-hill trip.

Cranks are cranks, fakes are fakes, and so on. Your effort to twist reality
and designate it as "name-calling" simply illustrates clearly that you
continue to refuse to face reality. Indeed, your claim above is simply
another twisted rationalization by you.

Rex, you simply cannot stand it when people challenge your assumptions
and twisted rationalizations. As I mentioned above, you might be
happier on another forum - one where your assumptions and rationalizations
about the ongoing long-term failure of raw vegan, are welcome. Here on
this forum - the only honest raw forum - your assumptions are open
to challenge.

Tom Billings