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"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 08:45:49 -0800
text/plain (25 lines)
>OK, Alan, if you pretend that your bias is one that is supported by
>research then you better barf up "numerous research articles". For
>starters, how about one that shows Tom is a puppet of the dairy industry?
>Who are your "authors" anyway? You quip to another lister that they are
>obviously just believing something they read, but you sound like a blind
>man following the blind NH authors yourself, with your molecular words
>(which JL has completely humbled you on but you are, yes again, blind to
>it) and your rightous attitude.

As a side note, since there are advocates of fundamentalist NH/fruitarianism
who are adept in crank science, one needs to examine their "scientific" claims
very closely. If you bother to do this - go ahead, check their sources -
you may find that some of the material cited does not support the claims they
make, has been selectively quoted and/or misrepresented, etc. I'm not
saying that all their evidence is twisted and misquoted - but some of it
appears to be, hence checking the refs is a good credibility check.

PS Now I must return to my evil plan to take over the earth and turn
the entire earth into a dairy farm. My co-conspirators are Pinky
and the Brain...   :-)

Tom Billings