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Lucia Wright <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 21:15:43 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (121 lines)
Gregg - I am interested in knowing more about this chelating product you
describe. My mother had a small stroke and has been suffering from memory
loss for a few years now. they don't know if it's alzheimers or what, but
I would love to suggest a chelating product to her. Can you tell where I
might find out more about this?


On Thu, 22 Oct 1998, Gregg M Burton wrote:

> Well as you all know I haven't been Replying or Posting much in the last
> few months but I felt I just needed to respond to this to dispel some of
> the rumors and/or ideas about "Chelation".  I use a certain Chelating
> Agent - that will remain nameless for the time being so the Gov't
> doesn't try to regulate it - and I've seen it literally, and mean
> literally, totally clean out someone's Veins and Arteries who after 1
> month on it no longer had to go in for Heart Surgery.  It was a friend
> of mine's Aunt and the Doctor was dumb-founded when she went in for her
> Angioplasty because she no longer needed it.  He said he had no idea
> what happened and asked her if she had been doing anything any different
> and she said not really.  She did say though that she had been taking
> this Chelating Agent that her Nephew gave her for the last month and
> could it be that.  Well, as some might have guessed, that ended the
> conversation right there and he didn't want to hear anymore about it
> from her and told her she should stop taken it because it could be
> dangerous or something like that.  Well she didn't and she ended up be
> just fine and not needed to go into the Hospital for anymore Procedures
> or Surgeries - :)!!!
> So how do you take that?  Did he know that it really worked or was he
> just blind or just not knowledgeable about Chelation Therapy, or really
> just didn't want to investigate because he has some kind of agenda and
> it might cost him a lot of money if all his patients started taking this
> stuff.  In my opinion, and speaking from experience since my Dad is an
> M.D., most doctors are quite stupid when it comes to anything outside of
> the World of the AMA and so-called Real Scientific Western Medicine.  So
> I think that doctors in general are just so Brainwashed into thinking
> that their's is the only way they just don't look to anything else
> unless it comes through their so-called normal channels: i.e. from
> Accredited Medical Journals and their Peers etc..  Although, I do feel
> that the Higher ups and the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries know
> about a lot of these Alternative Treatments, but since they have no
> vested interest in then and, in fact, that they can't actually hurt
> their Businesses they don't discuss them in Public other than to just
> Poo-Poo them and make everyone think that anyone coming up with such a
> Simple and Inexpensive Idea and New Treatment or Therapy must be some
> sort of a Quack.
> Well anyway, that's enough of that for now.  I haven't been to bed yet
> and have a big day ahead me with a few clients.  Today, is about Credit
> Cleanup and Restoration, Income Taxes, Offshore Trusts and Banking,
> Contractual Companies, and something I think all of you should really
> take a look at if you haven't yet: that's Y2K Preparedness.  It's coming
> and I know that a lot of people out there don't think it's going to be
> so bad or even know about it much but it would behoove you to start
> reading up on it and getting at least somewhat Prepared - It's Coming!!!
> And there's not doubt about!!! - But that's another story!!! - :)!!!
> Before I go though, I want to mention how great this Chelating Agent was
> on several People I know of who've had Strokes and subsequent Paralysis,
> and Alzheimer's.  I know of a guy who was close to retiring at 65 as a
> Diesel Mechanic and he had a Stroke and subsequently became Paralyzed on
> his whole left side.  Well he heard of this stuff from my friend and
> bought a whole bunch of it and took like 50-60 times the suggested
> dosage which is usually about 2-4 oz. of this Powder mixed in a gallon
> of water to be taken over a 2 month period: that's 2 oz. a day for 30
> days then a 10 day break then the same for another 30 days.  Well he was
> like taking that everyday and not diluting it much just putting it in an
> 8 oz. glass of water or something and within a month he was perfectly
> back to normal and his doctor was just Totally Shocked and Astonished.
> And he also wanted to go back to work because he was feel so well and
> back to him normal self and the doctor said he didn't have to and he
> said, or more like insisted, that he wanted to - He was one of those
> Old-Timers who just loved to work :)!!!
> Well, if that wasn't Astonishing enough, I heard this from one of the
> Salesguys that work for the Chemical Company I buy this stuff from and
> while I was talking to him - of course not telling him what I use it for
> - I casually asked him if he had ever heard of people taken this orally
> for Chelation Therapy and stuff.  Well to my surprise he said he had and
> really shouldn't be talking about this but that he had heard from
> another Customer that it can work on Alzheimer's and they had actually
> use it for that and it had worked and had great results or something
> like that.  Well his Grandmother had Alzheimer's and was in her 80's and
> hadn't been Lucid or Coherent in years and didn't really know who anyone
> was and he thought why not try it since he had nothing to lose since
> it's not harmful.  So he did it and she became fully Lucid and was so
> for about a month before she died he told me.  He said that it was so
> Amazing and it was great to have his Grandmother back before for that
> month before she died.  For all those who are thinking that she might
> have died from this stuff, she didn't.  She was just an old lady who had
> other complications from what I gathered.  I have a lot of people who've
> taken this for years and they're all fine :)!!!
> Well I have more stories but I thought that those were some of the best
> to tell you for now and at least gave some Real and Actual Experiences
> with the working with and results of Chelation Therapy.  Different
> Chelating Agents do different things and I've found one that really does
> a lot of what I want but for things like Mercury Chelation from
> Mercury-Silver Fillings there are some better Chelating Agents out there
> I've heard about but have no Experience with, yet.  The only thing you
> have to be careful about on this stuff is that since it's Chelating all
> these Metals and Minerals out of your Body you had better take a
> Good/Great Mineral Supplement during this time to make up for all the
> ones that you're losing during the time you're taking it and that's the
> only thing you need to think about.  If any of you want to know more you
> can Privately Contact me by whatever way is best for you: i.e. E-Mail,
> ICQ, or Phone and I'll leave all my numbers at the end of the Message.
> Well that's really all for now and I hope that my Post was useful and
> informative to at least some of you if not most or all of you.
>  - Take Care!!!
>  - Gregg!!!
> ---
> UIN: 2038656
> Tel: (323) 255-1980 usually after 1:00pm PT