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Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 16:30:28 +0000
text/plain (47 lines)
Hi all,

the book about biophotones is:
   Fritz-Albert Popp: Die Botschaft unserer Nahrung
   Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1993

The book is in German, the translated title would be: the message of our
nutrition. I don't know if an english translation exists. Sorry.

Main points:

Biophotones are a very weak radiation of foods (including meat, eggs),
in the range from infrared (and below) to ultraviolet light. It can be
measured with a photomultiplier (expensive device, difficult operation).

Every living (i.e. raw) food gives off light in the form of biophotones.
The longer the harvest is ago, the more the intensity goes down. The
more a food was tampered with, e.g. heated, the less photones. Irradia-
tion and cooking virtually decrease biophotones to zero.

Eggs from free-range chickens have more photones than those of battery
chickens. But not in winter, when the free-range equals the battery
because there's no food in the free area and the animals are fed.

Popp gives the theory, that higher organisms are "order suckers", i.e.
they mainly don't feed on molecules but on the order of the food. The
higher the order of the food, the more biophotones.

Photomultipliers are used within night vision glasses (sp?) so it must
be possible to manufacture handheld devices, like with the refractome-

The additional difficulty is, that you need a dark chamber where you
put the probe in. Still this should be possible. For the refractometer
you need light, for the biophotonemeter darkness. Funny.

Personal note:
I will work in Koeln (Cologne) for the next one or two months and pro-
bably have no mail access. So I will set the list to digest or nomail
and post only occasionally if ever.

Best regards,

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