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Denis Peyrat <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Aug 1997 14:16:58 +0200
text/plain (30 lines)
Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) and his disciple Enrico Ferri founded the
modern science of criminology. Lombroso was initially a teacher of public
hygiene in Italy who turned his interest towards psychiatry and
anthropology. Both of them were positivists :  they thought appropriate
hygiene would solve most if not all problems associated with crimes,
alienation, retardation...Applied to a high enough  number of generations,
and taking for granted the beneficial effects which  a corrected diet would
have  on how new generations of  parents perceive the unappropriateness of
the principles in which they have been educated, their  reasoning was not
incorrect,  but their theories  attracted only people who had long term
visions and political thinking, and who were not reluctant to treat the
problem by the root....   If you read the article on Lombroso in the
Britannica, you may found yourself with little will to pursue your
investigation in this direction..., without knowing the real reason. Indeed
Lombroso's post mortem image is tainted by Ferri's political carreer as a
fascist in  Mussolini's Italy. The famous  "Long term view", hmmm.
Respecting natural laws  has never been  a favorite amongst anarchists and
leftists (there are  exceptions, though), since their   prognosis and cure
of human alienation  rests entirely on economical  grounds.
If you read italian you will easily  find a copy of "L'Uomo Delinquente",
his most famous work written in 1875. If not you may read "Crimes: its
causes and remedies " in reprint edition in english. In these two books you
will find other references to work conducted in France and elsewhere at the
same time. If you can't find any copy let me know. I will try to find
second hand copies for you thru  bookdealers' networks ...
