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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 09:50:36 -0700
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Total Health Resources / Total Health Research Foundation
Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (129 lines)
Hi All!!

Jean-Louis Tu:
> Ray,
> did it ever occur to you that chelation therapy is "repressed" because
> it is not efficient against conditions such as heart disease? The real
> cause of, e.g., elevated cholesterol, is diet. And unless you change
> your diet, the disease won't be reversed [on the other hand, chelation
> can be useful to detoxify some heavy metals, and also for mineral
> supplementation.

Ray Mackie:
> jean-louis
> I disagree chelation is effective, however mainstream medicine has suppressed
> because they don't want the competition of an inexpensive therapy to compete
> with there bypass surgery which is often ineffective. You are obviously a
> supporter of mainstream medicine rather than alternatives.

Well as you all know I haven't been Replying or Posting much in the last
few months but I felt I just needed to respond to this to dispel some of
the rumors and/or ideas about "Chelation".  I use a certain Chelating
Agent - that will remain nameless for the time being so the Gov't
doesn't try to regulate it - and I've seen it literally, and mean
literally, totally clean out someone's Veins and Arteries who after 1
month on it no longer had to go in for Heart Surgery.  It was a friend
of mine's Aunt and the Doctor was dumb-founded when she went in for her
Angioplasty because she no longer needed it.  He said he had no idea
what happened and asked her if she had been doing anything any different
and she said not really.  She did say though that she had been taking
this Chelating Agent that her Nephew gave her for the last month and
could it be that.  Well, as some might have guessed, that ended the
conversation right there and he didn't want to hear anymore about it
from her and told her she should stop taken it because it could be
dangerous or something like that.  Well she didn't and she ended up be
just fine and not needed to go into the Hospital for anymore Procedures
or Surgeries - :)!!!

So how do you take that?  Did he know that it really worked or was he
just blind or just not knowledgeable about Chelation Therapy, or really
just didn't want to investigate because he has some kind of agenda and
it might cost him a lot of money if all his patients started taking this
stuff.  In my opinion, and speaking from experience since my Dad is an
M.D., most doctors are quite stupid when it comes to anything outside of
the World of the AMA and so-called Real Scientific Western Medicine.  So
I think that doctors in general are just so Brainwashed into thinking
that their's is the only way they just don't look to anything else
unless it comes through their so-called normal channels: i.e. from
Accredited Medical Journals and their Peers etc..  Although, I do feel
that the Higher ups and the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries know
about a lot of these Alternative Treatments, but since they have no
vested interest in then and, in fact, that they can't actually hurt
their Businesses they don't discuss them in Public other than to just
Poo-Poo them and make everyone think that anyone coming up with such a
Simple and Inexpensive Idea and New Treatment or Therapy must be some
sort of a Quack.

Well anyway, that's enough of that for now.  I haven't been to bed yet
and have a big day ahead me with a few clients.  Today, is about Credit
Cleanup and Restoration, Income Taxes, Offshore Trusts and Banking,
Contractual Companies, and something I think all of you should really
take a look at if you haven't yet: that's Y2K Preparedness.  It's coming
and I know that a lot of people out there don't think it's going to be
so bad or even know about it much but it would behoove you to start
reading up on it and getting at least somewhat Prepared - It's Coming!!!
And there's not doubt about!!! - But that's another story!!! - :)!!!

Before I go though, I want to mention how great this Chelating Agent was
on several People I know of who've had Strokes and subsequent Paralysis,
and Alzheimer's.  I know of a guy who was close to retiring at 65 as a
Diesel Mechanic and he had a Stroke and subsequently became Paralyzed on
his whole left side.  Well he heard of this stuff from my friend and
bought a whole bunch of it and took like 50-60 times the suggested
dosage which is usually about 2-4 oz. of this Powder mixed in a gallon
of water to be taken over a 2 month period: that's 2 oz. a day for 30
days then a 10 day break then the same for another 30 days.  Well he was
like taking that everyday and not diluting it much just putting it in an
8 oz. glass of water or something and within a month he was perfectly
back to normal and his doctor was just Totally Shocked and Astonished.
And he also wanted to go back to work because he was feel so well and
back to him normal self and the doctor said he didn't have to and he
said, or more like insisted, that he wanted to - He was one of those
Old-Timers who just loved to work :)!!!

Well, if that wasn't Astonishing enough, I heard this from one of the
Salesguys that work for the Chemical Company I buy this stuff from and
while I was talking to him - of course not telling him what I use it for
- I casually asked him if he had ever heard of people taken this orally
for Chelation Therapy and stuff.  Well to my surprise he said he had and
really shouldn't be talking about this but that he had heard from
another Customer that it can work on Alzheimer's and they had actually
use it for that and it had worked and had great results or something
like that.  Well his Grandmother had Alzheimer's and was in her 80's and
hadn't been Lucid or Coherent in years and didn't really know who anyone
was and he thought why not try it since he had nothing to lose since
it's not harmful.  So he did it and she became fully Lucid and was so
for about a month before she died he told me.  He said that it was so
Amazing and it was great to have his Grandmother back before for that
month before she died.  For all those who are thinking that she might
have died from this stuff, she didn't.  She was just an old lady who had
other complications from what I gathered.  I have a lot of people who've
taken this for years and they're all fine :)!!!

Well I have more stories but I thought that those were some of the best
to tell you for now and at least gave some Real and Actual Experiences
with the working with and results of Chelation Therapy.  Different
Chelating Agents do different things and I've found one that really does
a lot of what I want but for things like Mercury Chelation from
Mercury-Silver Fillings there are some better Chelating Agents out there
I've heard about but have no Experience with, yet.  The only thing you
have to be careful about on this stuff is that since it's Chelating all
these Metals and Minerals out of your Body you had better take a
Good/Great Mineral Supplement during this time to make up for all the
ones that you're losing during the time you're taking it and that's the
only thing you need to think about.  If any of you want to know more you
can Privately Contact me by whatever way is best for you: i.e. E-Mail,
ICQ, or Phone and I'll leave all my numbers at the end of the Message.

Well that's really all for now and I hope that my Post was useful and
informative to at least some of you if not most or all of you.

 - Take Care!!!

 - Gregg!!!
UIN: 2038656
Tel: (323) 255-1980 usually after 1:00pm PT