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Wed, 24 Jun 1998 09:44:31 -0400
Rex Harrill <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Jo Yoshida wrote about a hankering for eggs:

> Your foray into sashimi reminded me about my decision to experiment with eggs
> since the beginning of May. I really didn't have this desperate craving for
> them. But it was definitely a firm resolve to institute them into my diet.
> Considering the absence of ANY animal products in my diet since the summer of
> '87, I was kinda surprised by the lack of repulsion on my first mouthful. In
> fact, they tasted great! It wasn't a big deal, maybe because I've become more
> wary of subscribing exclusively to one dietary system (natural hygiene,
> fruitarianism).
> These eggs are scrambled conservatively with a couple tablespoons of water in
> a non-stick fry pan (don't dig raw eggs nor soft-boiled ones either). I may
> consider using raw eggs in blended drinks.

Jo if you actually ate a soft-scrambled egg and are still alive, you may be
interested in this passage from Henry Bieler's "Food Is Your Best Medicine."

   "Finally, let me emphasize the importance of supplying the right kind and
amount of protein, especially for the growing child. True, proteins are body
builders, but only the right kind of proteins which the human liver can handle
will build the right kind of bodies. Remember that we still have the cave man's
liver and must select and use our proteins with discrimination. Because the
sheep still lives a natural life in hill and mountain pastures, its meat is the
most valuable meat for human consumption. But it must be eaten rare. Beef is
next best. Fish, fowl and sea foods, unless eaten raw, are usually overcooked,
therefore likely to putrefy in the intestines. The same applies to pork
(although I never prescribe it), glandular organs, tripe and brains. Eggs are
valuable for the yolk, which is best eaten raw or lightly cooked; the egg white
should never be cooked."

I particularly like the positive comment on raw egg white, a guaranteed
people-killer warned against by the cooking industry.

FWIW, the complete Bieler book  is online at...


Rex Harrill