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Print Reply
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 15:26:39 -0700
Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
Hi Pet!!!

>   Now what can one think of someone who indulges in triple
> exclamation points but gripes over shouting in CAPS? (Or should I
> say "caps???")  So do I.
>    Besides, the 0 in LIFEF0RCE isn't in "CAPS!!!"  Grumpiness may
> have to do with diet... a personality problem... or stress...       Pet

Oh Please!!!  When I use (!!!)s it's meant to be exactly what it is like
"Hi!!! How are you?!!!" etc. and I never used them if I didn't want an
Exclamation.  What did you mean by "So do I", it didn't make any sense?
"So do I" to what?

And your wrong because LIFEF0RCE is All Caps and 0 is a number and so
can't be in either Uppercase or Lowercase - Geesh!!!

Oh yes! I can be Grumpy at times for sure, but if you've seen all the
Posts by this Guy about a Juicers Post he won't break up into smaller
pieces so the Lists will take it you might also wonder what's going on
and have a word with him so to speak.

And you're one to talk:  I've asked you a Multitude of Times to set your
Time Zone correctly so it doesn't mess mine, everybody else's, and the
RAW-FOOD Archives Threading and Date Sort and you, like a Total Stubborn
Whatever You Are, just say something like you did:

> Ah, but I go by Universal Time....

And then ignore every other request and don't even have the Decency to

I sent my Reply at: Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 11:52:13 -0700

and you sent yours at: Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 11:57:37 +0000

but because you refuse to set your Time Zone correctly my System shows
you sending it at 04:57:37 PST and has you Replying to my Reply 7 hours
before I even sent mine - I don't like that!!! - It's Not Nice!!! - And
Totally Rude!!! - And messes up all the Archive when using Date and Time
Searches and Sorts!!! - So why are you such a Whatever You Are and So
Stubborn that you won't change it or even Acknowledge your Error and do
nothing whatsoever to change this.  If you really like +0000 so much and
want to "go by Universal Time" just change you Fricking System Clock so
that you're 7 hours ahead and then it would balance out!!! - So right
now it would be 10:12pm at night for you - So Time For Bed!!! - Nighty

Please just Acknowledge this and be Nice about it - Geesh!!! - What's
the Big Deal about setting your Time Zone right?!!! - How does it Hurt,
Damage, or Disparage you in any way???  It does all of Us so why be that
way?  If you could at least explain why then I might be able to
understand.  Or is it just because I pointed it out and so therefore
refuse to change because you think you're being told what to do and that
just Pisses You Off, or you just have no Idea how to change your Time
Zone and you don't want to be embarrassed so just say stupid thing like:

> Ah, but I go by Universal Time....

Please be a Nice and Thoughtful Person and allow All of Our Archives to
shows things correctly.  I'm sure it would be Greatly Appreciated, at
least by me and anyone else you uses Date and Time Sorting and like to
know when someone Sent and Replied to a Post - Thank You!!!

 - Take Care!!!

 - Gregg!!!