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Sun, 8 Feb 1998 14:41:58 -0600
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>There has been considerable discussion about vaccines these last few days.
>Here are my opinions about the main arguments against vaccines:

>I agree that it is best to improve nutrition, instead of feeding your
>children with Coke and vaccinating them. The risk of having an infectious disease is
>low enough to accept the risk, but  -I believe that vaccines are, up to a certain point, efficient
> -I don't believe that eating 100% raw will prevent all diseases.

Jean Louis and all:

I agree with your comments, except I feel that you do not say enough about
the dangers of vaccines.  I am now partially disabled due to an MMR vaccine
that was supposedly "absolutely" required by my school (This was not true --
in all 50 states there are official escape clauses allowing for
non-vaccination.  Furthermore, due to my long history of allergies,
government health regulations suggested against my being vaccinated with
MMR.  Unfortunately, I was _never_ told about any of this before being
scared into having my vaccine).

A few days after the vaccine, I developed a horrible and acute reaction:
painful joints, severe fever, restlessness, etc.  This was noted, but not
reported to VAERS (by law, physicians must report such reactions to VAERS
[vaccine adverse event reporting system].  It is estimated that only 10% of
such cases are actually reported.  The number still grows over 12,000-15,000
per year).  My condition was then labeled as Fibromyalgia, since it never
truly subsided.  Even though it directly coincided with the vaccine, it was
shrugged aside by our school health center.

After searching through the government information sites, I have found other
information that has turned my head.  Almost 1 billion dollars has been
paid, since 1992, to parents whose children have been disabled or killed by
vaccines.  This is openly admitted by government statistics.  Yet, vaccines
still are looked at as successes.

However, an honest look at public health records, as Jean-Louis suggests,
shows that vaccines are not effective at truly "eradicating" disease, as
vaccine-makers suggest.  Furthermore, vaccines cause compromised long-term
immune systems, among a host of other problems.

The more I search through unbiased information, the more of a testimony I
get that vaccines need a much more scrutinous look by ourselves and our
money-hungry pharmaceutical houses.

For those interested in learning more about vaccine safety, Neal Z. Miller
has done a lot of work to gather vaccine information, statistics, and
stories.  Specifically, he has gathered information on his website:


thank you for your attention.


ask yourself this:  if advil or tylenol killed 100, 50, or even 10 people,
wouldn't we hear it all across the news?  Wouldn't they take it off the
shelf?  Well, vaccines kill and disable thousands upon thousands every year;
especially children. Many times these baby deaths are quickly labeled "SIDS"
(sudden infant death syndrome).  Interestingly enough, as we (USA) have the
highest rate of child vaccination, we also have the highest rate of SIDS.