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Tue, 27 Jan 1998 15:53:11 PST
fred patenaude <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
I'm a new suscriber to this list. My name is Frederic Patenaude, but
just call me Fred. I'm Canadian, born in Montreal, Canada, 19/03/1976.
I've been traveling in California for the past 3 months. I'm writting
this from Santa Cruz, so i will be present at the next potluck in SF.
I'm good friend with the NFL guys. I know about hygiene since summer
1996. Took some time to assimilate it and really change my lifestyle.
Now i've been 100% raw fooder for the past 8 months. I've been
vegetarian for 3 years, but recently I tried raw fish. I was hearing
about it from every where, all these people saying that it tastes so
good and is easy to digest and all. So I decided I had to try it to make
my experience complete. I found it completely disgusting and gross. I am
now, since that experience, totally convinced that we are vegetarian
animals. There is no way I could like that stuff. So now I'm back to
total raw-vegetarianism, after that disgression. I'm still working a lot
to find the best diet for me. I eat way too much and the combos I eat do
not promote high vitality. But I must say that I was overeating when I
was eating cooked-food, so it's not new. But at that time, when I
overate I was "out" for hours, feeling dull and numb. Now  if i overeat
I feel better in matter of minutes. I began exercising recently, running
12-20 minutes almost every day. I makes me feel GOOOD! The detox for me
is by periods of ups and downs. I feel closer to the vitality I want to
have. Ok for now. Take care.

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