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Mon, 12 Jan 1998 14:55:03 -0200
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This one is also  from the web( a Mailing List)... kinda Pol.
Incorrect...but can be turned around too, like Kirt did with "Hardy har". Or
read just as a funny lil computer story.

           " WIFE.EXE "

" One of these days , in spite of my recommendations in  thwart, a friend
of mine decided to upgrade his Girlfriend5.0 beta , transforming she into
    "In the begining , everything ran well. But soon he discovered that
Wife1.0 demands much more from the system than Girfriend5.0 to the point of
not remaining almost any resource  for another applications."
    "When complaining, alleging that in the documentation that came with
the product this inconvenience was not mentioned, he  was informed that,
in spite of all the ones that make this kind of upgrade  allege  ignorance
of this fact,
(although this problem is public and notorious and any other user could
due to  the own condition of Wife1.0, (that , as so soon as installed,
is configured in a such way that is  loaded during the initialization
of the system) starts the  monitoring of all  activities."

         "This, actually, is the source of the most serious difficulties,
certain applications that used to be  executed without
problem ,no longer  would run, due the strong incompatibilities that
they lead up to  Wife1.0. This happens typically with the applications of
leisure, as Poker-of-Friday, Beer-with-friends and, above all,
Pubs-on-weekends. All time that he tries to run one of them ,the
system freezes, there is a severe crash and he  needs to give new and
reboot in the system, otherwise Wife1.0  starts to be very
unstable and behaving in a strange way, for some time."

     "My friend also observed that is part of the installation process of
Wife1.0, the addition of certain undesirable plug-ins as Mother-in-law and
Brother-in-law, and there is no option to impede its implementation or
remove them
of the system. And, above all, he has been claiming that lacks
some features
essential in the product, as the button of Minimizing, the option < *Ok, I
know, no need to say it again* >, and a  form of inhibiting the command
too late, honey, why don't you just leave this damned PC and come to
and, above all, a process for simpler uninstalling , that doesn't leave
any trace of the application in the system, and that can be executed
any time without questioning and, mainly, that does not
induce  such severe loss of resources when being invoked."

    "After   a detailed analyzes ,  my friend came to the conclusion that
Wife1.0 could improve a lot in the future versions,  if, besides
incorporating the mentioned improvements , they endowed the system with
multitask capability and allowed to run  in the mode promiscuous , since the
current version does serious restrictions to the "sharing of resources"
and it creates unsolvable problems all the  time that detects
any initiative in that sense."
    "Recently, when trying to install Lover 1.0, my friend
was surprised with a frightening message informing that if this proceedure
would be  carried out before uninstalling Wife1.0 , the system  would
provoke its automatic uninstalling, what would remove all files
of the application Money and he would also end without any program
because  without Money, Lover1.0 refuses peremptorily to be installed,
alleging lack of resources."

    " After some fruitless attempts, he discovered that the only
way to outline this terrible bug  is to  install Lover1.0  in a system
completely independent, and  never connect it to the system where he has
installed Wife1.0 and never  run any file  transfer  among them.
Or , eventually, acess  a public provider
using login Anonymous. In this last case it should be taken
an extreme care when running shareware applications to avoid
contamination of Wife1.0  with virus, that would be a safe sign of having
had shared essential resources of the system, thing that
Wife1.0 definitively does not admit."

    " Considering that the current process of uninstalling of Wife1.0 is
quite traumatic, my friend  disposed himself  to keep going this way, even
so. The problem is that lately he walks more and more suspicious. And that's
because he noticed an inherent characteristic to the product that is
turning  out more and more evident: the more the time passes, the less
satisfactory becomes Wife1.0 performance."

                        Best Regards,