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Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 14:22:33 -1000
text/plain (26 lines)
>It's worth a lot to me, for one.  However, I suppose Quackwatch and
>their hacks hate anecdotes like this because such success ultimately
>exposes the hollowness of expensive hi-tech cut-burn-poison treatments.

My mother-in-law is as lovely a lady as you'd ever meet. 6 years ago she
had sudden abdominal pain and within a week had surgery to remove most of
her colon. She has regular check ups and no metastases have been detected.
She lives a joyful life today because of that radical surgery. She holds
her only grandchild and plays patty cake with her instead of being dead.
Does "anti-Quackwatch" and their hacks hate stories like this one?

So, did the surgery cure cancer? Sounds like kinda stupid question, doesn't
it? The absence of surgery wasn't the cause of her cancer, was it? Whether
she dies eventually of a similar cancer or not (as many of the success
stories of the alternative diet arena do) is almost immaterial. On the
definitional side she is a cancer survivor (lived for 5+ years). She has NO
DETECTABLE cancer and is healthy and active in her late sixties. Is it a
miracle? Perhaps a trite one because no diet was involved.


Secola  /\  Nieft
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