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"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 22 Oct 1997 18:28:25 -0700
text/plain (126 lines)
this is a repost (edited and formatted for newsletter use, to be "prettier")
of the material by Morris Krok that I posted earlier this week. This is
a repost for most list members, so you might want to skip it. I am posting it
because a few members expressed interest in the edited versions as well.

The material below was written by Morris Krok. I hope you find it interesting
and enjoyable.

Tom Billings
[log in to unmask]

An extract of material written by Morris Krok

Note: the material below is an edited version of a letter  written by Morris
Krok, to an individual in Canada. The name of the recipient has been deleted,
to protect their privacy. This article was edited by Tom Billings.

        It is amazing that your letter reached me because I have been away from
 that address for over 30 years. I am also surprised that a copy of "Conquest
 of Disease" was available from your library, as I produced only 1000 copies
 in 1961. I was only thirty years old when I wrote it.

        My view now, almost thirty eight years later, is that one can be very
 healthy without trying to live only on fruit. For short periods it is
 wonderful, providing one drinks a lot of water in between, and starts the
 programme by clearing the colon first. To try and live only on fruit in the
 cold of a Canadian winter is absurd. Too much of a good thing is bad and this
 applies to food as well, including fruit. Instead of aiming to live only on
 fruit, one should be very happy if we can live on raw foods which includes
 nuts and sprouted grains.

        Let us analyze fruit. Fruit is basically sweet water; it has very little
 fat or more concentrated food material, it digests very quickly and is also
 utilized by the body very rapidly, especially in cold climates or high
 altitudes. Therefore, if we attempt to live only [on] fruit we become too
 food conscious, and if we add high sugar foods such as dates and raisins to
 complement it, the body has to handle a lot of sugary substances which can
 cause an imbalance. Many who have tried to live on fruit found that they
 had trouble with their teeth and were very cold in the winter months. It is
 wrong to blame city pollution or that the fruit is not organically grown,
 for any problem that eating only fruit may cause. Some said that they lost
 all interest in sex, and that their wounds did not heal easily until they
 added greens and spouts to the diet. When one does not drink water in
 between all the fruit eating, fruit can become too sickly to the taste and
 not so pleasurable.

        What we must understand [is] that all food substances have to be
 processed by the body, and require enzymes and other glandular secretions to
 alkalinize or convert the sugars and acids in the fruit to usable substances.
 "The Mucusless Diet Healing System" is a wonderful book, and what he says about
 mucous forming foods is correct, but his book fails to include the benefits
 of drinking plain water or missing meals altogether, in order to give the
 [body's] intelligence all the opportunity and non-interference, so that it
 can do its job more efficiently. In a sense, more nonsense is spoken about
 nutrition and health, that is apart from religion, than anything else.

        I am pleased that you have made contact with Hindu and yoga philosophy.  My research
this science reveals that they went beyond the diet question
 by introducing the six shatkarmas - that is, cleansing all the main
 apertures of the body on a daily basis, often more than once a day, to
 ensure that they start the day right or end it right. In this regard I
 republished a most wonderful book by Theos Bernard, "Heaven Lies Within Us"
 with a new title "Yoga Gave Me Superior Health". In this book he shows how
 he overcame serious health problems by following the [yoga] teachings, and he
 did not live only on fruit or raw food for that matter, but he did eat
 sparingly and he also daily internally purified himself, did the asanas,
 breathing practices and stood on his head for long periods. Using him as an
 example, it proves that food can do so much and no more - for higher health
 we have to add exercise, fresh air, sunshine, rest and pure water.


        Theos Bernard's book plus a number of other books which I have written
 over the years are available from my daughter in California:

        Susan Krok
        4068 Park Blvd
        Palo Alto, CA 94306

        As a conclusion I would like to say that the health world is in
 disarray. There are too many beliefs, theories, medicines, supplements, to
 sort out.  What they are all trying to say is that we cannot be healthy unless
 we are vaccinated, immunized, use antibiotics, or use all the new things that
 are found in health shops, [including] vitamins, biochemic salts, homeopathic
 remedies, and all the latest hormones. What they are implying is that the
 simple, intelligent, logical, and powerful code known by the ancients who
 spent a lifetime meditating and concentrating their attention on one single
 aspect, such as how the body functions and what are its essential needs,
 is wrong and out of date. It also means that you cannot live a long
 and productive life unless you take something that is produced in a
 laboratory. Those who propagate this philosophy forget about those who
 throughout man's history were long lived, without taking any of these
 substances. They are also telling us that health cannot be normalized
 unless we give our symptoms or combination of symptoms a name, but if they
 observed carefully enough, they should realize that if we live long enough
 in an incorrect manner, [then]  eventually every part of the body will be
 affected.  What suitable name can these ignorant magicians conjure up? Is
 it aids, baids, snaids or cascades?

        Yoga and nature cure have proved that non-nutritive methods such as
 missing meals, resting, stretching every joint and muscle in the body, deep
 breathing, and moderate sun-bathing are the best ways to energize the body
 and transform the mind. Can any food or supplement perform the same
 function or have the same tonic effect of sunshine? Try as they like, life,
 vitality, sunshine and good [common] sense cannot be trapped in a bottle or

        Yoga and nature cure may be regarded as life's secret keys but as every
 secret has a simple principle, we can say the ultimate message is that the
 body must be assisted, sometimes by non-interference, to eliminate
 everything that it cannot use or what is hindering the finer workings of
 the body. Nature cure is merely a rediscovery or substantiation [of] what the
 yogis discovered, over three thousand years ago.