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Date: | Fri, 15 May 1998 07:10:06 +0200 |
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Usa Courier 10, per favor!
ab[STAN MULAIK <[log in to unmask]>]
su[Re: Grammatica de interlingua]
Vos prendeva vostre "computator mobile" con vos a Turchia?
[Allan 980515] No! Io scribeva le exemplos per
mano. Un parte de illos in le aeroplano (Un multo
nove Boeing 757 de Finnair) ab Turchia a
Bon labor! Io ha ponite duo listas de parolas estranie
in germano que io ha scannate del libro "Woher?" que cita
le origines de parolas in le germano. Le listas specialmente
monstra le origine de parolas latin o romance in germano.
Io ha notate desde postar los que le listas ha
[Allan] Interessante! Latino era multo usate in
Germania durante seculos, in alicun locos jam
in le 19e seculo.
ab[Allan Kiviaho [log in to unmask]]
su[Re: Grammatica de interlingua]
Stan et alii,
Nunc io ha transcribite le cata preposition "a, al" e
dividite los in classes rude.
Io pensa que interlingua tolera un plure de "dialectos" ma
il es naturalmente bon a essayar haber un bon (plus o minus)
stilo de interlingua. E hic le prepositiones joca un
rolo multissimo importante. Infortunatemente le grammar de
Gode e Blair non adjuta multe in isto respecto. Bon, on debe
usar le literatura del grande eminentes de interlingua. E
on debe anque usar le grammar del linguas romanic como
Un self-made grammatico
a al
a to, at -aan, -lle, luona, -lla
a fin de in order to -kseen, varten
al dextra on the right oikealla
al sinistra on the left vasemmalla
al aer libere in the open air taivasalla
al longe del strata along the street pitkin katua
al campania in (to) the country maalla, maalle
al estraniero abroad ulkomailla
a presso del dentista at the dentist hammaslääkärillä
al sud de insula on the southern part saaren eteläpuolella
of the island
incontra al aeroporto meeting on the tavata lentokentällä
a casa at home kotona
un visita a un amica visiting a friend vierailu ystävän luona
al domo at home kotona
al officina at the shop kaupassa
a (in) Douglas in (at) Douglas Douglasissa
al universitate de N at the University of N Nn yliopistossa, -n
al (in) radio in radio radiossa
al (in) television in television televisiossa
al nord de Francia in the north of France Pohjois-Ranskassa
habeva loco -in- a took place in Paris tapahtui Pariisissa
ir a schola go to school käydä koulua
ille se approchava al he approached the hän lähestyi ovea
porta door
al dextra to the right oikealle
al estraniero to abroad ulkomaille
nos va -a- illac we go to there menemme sinne
pote portar me -a- ibi can get me there voi kuljettaa minut sinne
illes va a basso they go downstairs he menevät alakertaan
ir a casa go home mennä kotiin
ir a schola go to school mennä kouluun
ille va al ecclesia he's going to church hän menee kirkkoon
al qual le traino to which the train jonne juna saapuisi
arrivarea would arrive
a revider see you näkemiin
al puncto exactly tasan
a vices sometimes toisinaan
a tempore on time ajoissa
stoppar a tempore to stop on time pysäyttää ajoissa
nos arrivava a tempore we arrived in/on time saavuimme ajoissa
a mi etate in my age minun iässäni
a -secundo- su by his watch hänen kellonsa mukaan
a tres horas at three o'clock kello kolmelta
de ... a from/since ... to -sta ... -aan
de ... usque (a) from/since ... to -sta ... -aan
alique -pro- a mangiar something to eat jotakin syötäväksi
io prefere bira clar I prefer bitter to suosin vaaleata olutta
-pro- a bira obscur mild beer tumman asemesta
io me ineteressa a I am interested olen kiinnostunut
(in, pro) geographia in geography maantieteestä
demandar -de- a familia asking the family kysyä perheeltä
renunciar al tabaco renunciate the tobacco kieltäytyä tupakasta
illa sona -a- le piano she is playing the hän soittaa pianoa
subjecte -del- al haste subjected to the hurry kiireen kohteena
le tabaco -a- le place he likes the tobacco hän pitää tupakasta
va al apparato answer the phone vastata puhelimeen
-perque- a queaccender why do you turn miksi avaat television?
le television? the television on?
demandava al venditrice asked the saleswoman pyysi myyjätärtä
de dar to give antamaan
ille iva al incontro de he went to meet hän meni tapaamaan
su matre afin his mother-in-law anoppiaan
que batte a mi fenestre what knocks at my mikä koputtaa ikkunaani
vider le match al watching the match on katsoa ottelu
television television televisiosta
a alte voce at the top of his korkeimmalla äänellään
a pede on foot jalkaisin
a bicycletta by bike polkupyörällä
a dieta on a diet dieetillä
place a tu papa your papa likes isäsi pitää
felicitationes -pro- al happy anniversary! onnellista vuosipäivää!
pensar -a- de idea thinking of idea ajatella ideasta
io ama jocar a (al) I like to play golf pidän golfin pelaamisesta
io pensava a vos I was thinking of you ajattelin teitä
da amusamento a giving joy to children tuottaa iloa lapsille
dicer -a- me tell me kertoa minulle
prestar adjuta al x lending help to the x tarjota apua xlle
levar vitros -pro- a raising glasses to kohottaa lasit
lor sanitate their health heidän terveydekseen
vole ben dar -a- me give me, please olkaa hyvä ja antakaa minulle
proque -a- me ha vos why have you given me miksi olette antanut minulle
date un zero? zero? nollan?
que io ha potite dar that I could give you jonka olen voinut antaa
-a- te sinulle
quanto a ille as for him kuten hänelle
sia polite a illes be polite to them ole kohtelias heille
diceva al cliente said to the client sanoi asiakkaalle
ille poneva un question he asked her a hän esitti hänelle
a ille question kysymyksen
da -a- me illo libros give me those books anna minulle nuo kirjat
monstra lo a ille show it to him näyttää hänelle
le servitrice -a- le the waitress brought tarjoilijatar toi
lo apportava it to him sen hänelle
io -a- le lo inviava I sent him it lähetin sen hänelle
io lo inviava a ille I sent it to him lähetin sen hänelle
inviate a nos sent us lähetetty meille
io -a- vos prestara x I lend you a x lainaan teille xn
da isto a tu papa! give this to your anna tämä isällesi!
dar -a- les le menu giving them the menu antaa heille ruokalista
dava le menu a Ian gave the menu to Ian antoi ruokalistan Ianille
a causa de su humor because of his humor mielentilansa takia
cambiar al rubie turn red muuttua punaiseksi
un sacco a mano handbag käsilaukku
un sacco -pro- a shopping bag ostoslaukku
bottilia a (de) lacte milk bottle maitopullo
un tram a cavallo a horse tram hevosraitiovaunu
omelette a (al) gambon ham omelet kinkkumunakas
un camera -de- a a dining room ruokasali
sede a bracios armchair nojatuoli
camera a dormir sleeping room makuuhuone
camera -a- de banio bathroom kylpyhuone
caffe al lacte coffee with milk maitokahvi