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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 Feb 1999 23:01:48 +0100
text/plain (52 lines)
Hi Gerry,

> In a message dated 2/10/99 3:43:34 AM Central Standard Time,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> <<
>  I think that the main causes of osteoporosis in women are: menopause,
>  lack of vitamin D, and lack of exercise; total calcium intake is less
>  important.
>  --Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>
>   >>
> Just returned from the World Vegetarian Conference in Thailand and "Iron Lady"
> Ruth Heidrich was one of the top speakers.
> For those unfamiliar with Ruth's History, she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer
> in her mid 40's and went through the conventional treatment of surgery, etc.
> Shortly thereafter she learned of the importance of diet and became a vegan.
> Then she heard about the Iron Man and decided to "go for it!"
> To shorten the story, she's since completed 6 Iron Man's and won thousands of
> medals around the world along the way.
> Further, she's made medical history by not only stopping bone loss AFTER
> menopause, but INCREASING it!
> About 8 months ago, Ruth was training for the Boston Marathon and was run over
> by a truck. She suffered multiple injuries and (I believe) crushed hip, broken
> leg and ankle, etc., which required putting an iron rod in her leg.
>  Never one to give up, after her hospital stay Ruth started the arduous road
> back to recovery and continued, on crutches, her lectures around the world.
> When I met her in Chiangmai, she had thrown away her crutches and was working
> out in the pool two hours a day plus an hour in the weight room, and advanced
> to climbing steps. At 64 she is slim, trim, positive, bright, articulate and
> beautiful.
To add to that, Franz Konz (the current president of our breakaway
group from the German Natural Hygiene Society) was diagnosed with
terminal stomach cancer in his mid-30s and is now in his mid 70s after
switching to eating fruit and wild plants only.

In addition, the German guy who has won the annual race up the stairs of
the Empire State building for the past three years is also a vegetarian
(sorry, can't remember his name, but remember reading the report in
the papers).
