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Aaron Sugarman <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 21 Jun 1998 19:57:58 EDT
text/plain (32 lines)

<< since these two oils can be used as building
 blocks by humans to build all the other fatty acids needed. In truth we never
 avoid all fatty acids, so that there are plenty of good sources of them, nuts
 and seeds of course. >>

It was my understanding that seeds and nuts contain abnormally high levels of
linoleic and arachidonic fatty acids (similar to domestic meats). Abnormally
high levels of these fatty acids can decrease the production of EPA, and cause
arthritis, artereosclerosis, and cancer.

So, flax would seem a better choice, but then it was also my understanding
that some people have trouble producing adequate amounts of long-chain fatty
acids from flax or leafy greens, like myself apparently, and require them pre-
formed from fish or wild game as humans have traditionally done for thousands
if not millions of years.

I think it is arrogant to say to everyone that they can just take flax oil and
produce all their required long-chain fatty acid needs.  I think it's
unconscienable to say that to anyone.  It's like a doctor saying, "well, just
take this pill and you'll be fine!"

Maybe everyone could eventually adapt, but would you go and tell a chimp to
become vegan and stop eating 5% of his diet as insects, and the other 5% as
animal foods, and drink flax oil instead?

I hope not!
