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Rex Harrill <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 10:25:56 -0500
text/plain (55 lines)
Nieft / Secola wrote and asked a few questions:  [snip]

> I'm about ready to pop for a refractometer.  Perhaps you can steer me in
> the right direction for a mail-order source?

Peaceful Valley Farm Supply in CA handles them.  I don't know if they have
a web site.

Pike Agri-Lab in ME has a web site

> And does a gizmo usually include the charts or is
> there a separate source for those?

I know that Pike send out one with each instrument.  And, of course, I
made a standing offer to forward a basic chart to anyone that can accept
graphic e-mail.

> And while we're at it, can you recommend a source of reading material
> for a beginning orchardist. We are moving onto six acres in June and
> will be developing it. The permaculture stuff leaves me a little cold
> overall. As does Steiner--though you may dig either one, I don't know.
> But what I'm saying is I'd like a reference that is practical not
> philosophical...if that makes any sense.

Kirt, 90% of everything I've ever learned about agriculture came from
ACRES USA.  That 90% is split equally between an eagerly anticipated
monthly read of their newspaper and devouring many of the books in their
extensive catalog.  I'd even go so far as to suggest reading their book
catalog is an education in itself (much like I would use Peaceful Valley's
catalog as a textbook if I were teaching a course in natural ag).  A call
to 504-889-2100 is worth the trouble.

I must decline to offer advice about Hawaii.  My few acres in Maryland are
half a world---and many climate zones---away.  Besides, I don't know your
philosophy.  You may be intending to grow the most bins and bushels in an
uncaring way to sell to an uncaring public.  OTOH, you may have a burning
desire to produce food of such a vital nature that it can help you and
yours move to a higher spiritual plane.  If the later is the case, you'll
feel naked when checking your trees without a refractometer in hand.  BTW,
if you and two friends do find yourself naked out there in your orchard,
and all three of you decide to check the leaves high up in the tree, make
sure there are no photographers around.

I call it the NFL rule: No Foolish Leaf-checking.  :)

And please understand that not everyone recommends a refractometer for
testing agricultural output.

Rex Harrill
PS: there are apple *orchards* in PA and orange *groves* in Florida.  What
does Hawaii have?