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LIFE F0RCE <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Mar 1998 11:20:23 EST
text/plain (70 lines)
Hi Roy!!

What a wonderful, long and thoughtful letter!!

<< Have you heard of the sci-veg list? It's a list composed of mostly
academics.  Many professional nutritionist, a few well-known nutritional
authors, and other scientists are on the sci-veg list. This group knows and
practices the scientific method.  It was started by a group frustrated with
the discussion level of other lists>>

No - I hadn't heard of it and it is exactly what I am looking for  I really
appreciate your telling me about it Roy, and I will subscribe immediately.

Roy, I want to thank you for all your nice compliments. :-))  Don't worry
about being "belated," your kind words are MUCH appreciated. :-)

<< Have you tried diuretic herbs, such as dandelion, to stimulate kidney
function.  As
much as I was Shelton's work changed my life, I always ignored natural
hygiene's condemnation of herbs and supplements. (Supplements may not be
perfect but just think what a little b-12, zinc, or calcium supplements would
do for the average fruitarian. >>

I like how you think Roy! I like how you take the best gems, and toss out what
doesn't make sense to you. Wish everybody approached everything (not just
health!) this way  :-))  And I most definately agree that some supplements
having a use in particular cases.

As far as trying diuretic herbs like dandelion, my understanding has been that
a diuretic works by impairing the kidney's ability to retain fluid that it
ordinarily would hold for processing. I am not sure about the source of my
problem with edema, and so I haven't wanted to fool around with kidney
function, even though a diuretic would probably get rid of the water. I am
trying still to figure out what is causing me to retain the water in the first

<< One thing that struck me about edema was the seeming lack of specific
information......   Sure everybody says underperfoming kidneys and recommends
herbs to support the kidneys. I was looking for the biochemical conditions
which turn the kidneys on,...... I didn't find that. >>

Yes, my experience too. I would think that there is information out there, but
I have not been able to find anything helpful yet on the internet.  I am near
Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, and George Washington U's medical school libraries,
so I plan to visit them for a more thorough research project. I sure appreciate your looking
 for me -  you're great. :-)

As far as Dr. Balch's recommendations - yes I am familiar with the book, and
also his supplement recommendations.  I myself took supplements (lots, and
many types) for many many years, and recommended supplements for clients.
Mostly I did this just on faith that they were helpful, without any clear
indications of improvement in health in myself or anyone else.  For the past
three years I have not recommended much in the way of supplements for clients,
other than very limited use to help with specific problems. (B12, Vitamin C, a
calcium-magnesium mix, sometimes flax seed oil or fish oil.) There is a
pharmacy here that I work with which has its own lab where they prepare
vitamin, mineral and herbal compounds - so I am able to request customized

Roy - my d**## server (aol) just shut me off, and erased the rest of your
post. **&&#!!** CURSES.  aauuughhh.  AOL is driving me crazy - I think I may

Anyway, would you be so kind as to send your great message again? I'd
appreciate it!

Love, Liza
[log in to unmask] (Liza May)