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"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 27 Jul 1997 10:22:46 -0700
text/plain (78 lines)
Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>:
>3) Whatever the repartition of macronutrients, no raw food eater has a
>serious problem of excessive weight.

Thanks for your interesting comments. Just a minor note - I recall reading
here about a fruitarian who ate only one meal, at night, and who was
overweight. When I ate at night, I gaine weight from orange juice. So, by
eating incorrectly (at night), one can gain weight, perhaps even become fat.

The other interesting thing is that all of the fruitarians who eat at night
(that I know of) also lift weights. Is their weight gain due to the weights,
or to eating at night? My suspicion is that the weight gain comes from
eating at night, not from the weights...

P.S. to Jean-Louis: I really enjoyed your post, "Why eat raw?".

I also received an e-mail from Stefan on the above post. Here it is:

[log in to unmask]:
>two issues:
>I found the abstracts you posted very interesting. If I had one wish
>free, I would wish, that you are editing your posts to make sure, that
>the lines don't exceed 80 characters. Some of your posts are hard to
>read. But don't refrain from posting!

I try to make 80 characters the maximum, as some posts are put in the
SF-LiFE newsletter, and I want to "squeeze" in as much as possible.
The abstracts came from a database, with minimal formatting on my
part before posting. Re-formatting the abstracts to be under 80 chars
might be a big job.

[log in to unmask]:
>The cooked grains issue:
>First, I want to state clearly that my view is completely theoretic
>because I never raised pigs. My only experience in animal raising is
>five weeks for an instincto chicken.

>Instincto theory says, that cooked foods contain lots of denatured
>molecules. These cannot be digested properly because the digestive
>system of the animals is not adapted to do so.
>What happens, if you feed cooked grains or any other cooked foods to
>animals is:

>- their instincts are fooled and they eat too much. (The instinctive
>  stop comes to late or disappears completely; the instinctive attrac-
>  tion is very strong, much stronger than that of natural foods).

>- they can't digest the abnormal molecules of the food. If the amount
>  they eat is big enough, their detoxing capabilities become exhausted.
>  Now the only possibility the body has left, is to accumulate the
>  toxins, "hoping" it can get rid of them later.

>"Later" will be "never" in the latter point, so the animals are watched
>to gain weight faster. What they actually are, is a sick mass of toxin
>accumulations. Such animals are a concentrated bad food for other
>beings, when slaughtered.
>This is one of the reasons I don't consider grain fed animals to be
>instincto quality.

>Hope, this helps. Feel free to post this mail on raw-food.

Thanks for your interesting comments! Two brief clarifications. First, it
is my understanding that pigs fed X kg of cooked grain, will gain more
weight than pigs fed X kg. of raw grain (equal amounts, so the pig
probably does not eat more cooked than raw - pigs overeat anyway).
So, the pigs gain more weight on cooked than raw. What is the extra weight?
Is it toxins, per the theory you cite, or simply fat from digested food?
I really don't know...

Tom Billings
[log in to unmask]