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Lynton Blair <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 11:18:14 GMT
text/plain (94 lines)
At 12:22 24/07/97 -0600, Trish wrote:

>Next time you are upset with something I write, maybe you
>could ask me about it before you flame.  Being yelled at
>and called creepy feels like crap.

>To clarify, I don't believe women "shouldn't" be bleeding,
>It would be more accurate to say that I have <wondered> about
>the relationship between food, toxins and menstruation.  I
><suspect> that there is one, but did not mean to imply that
>detox was the sole purpose of menstruation.  In the interest
>of brevity, I left out words that would have made
>it more clear...I do apologize for that.

And thank you again, Trish.
Since I had had some exposure to several different RF advocates who have
mentioned such occurrences, I didn't think that anyone on this list would
express themselves so extremely - tho I do value what they wrote as a sort
of reminder that "I know nothing", and that true health is what we are all
interested in.
And now I think that if I had posted something rather personal with perhaps
rather a bit of courage, I too would probably feel like crap.
SO I am borrowing a bit of courage, and am doing what I thought I would do
later, once I was sure...
and am now admitting that I am experimenting with RAF ( only Organic, of
I hope I don't upset any "animal lovers" - I must state that I love living
animals very much.  I don't relish eating fat like I do say an apple or
banana or espescially paw paw.
And I must point out that killing animals for food that have been conserved
for the purpose actually means that those species survive: witness the
demise of the Puffin and Moa, to name but two.

anyway, so I said it.

AND in light of my experiences trying to be healthy without animal foods, I
decided that there wasn't much option if I wanted the sort of vitality that
I desire. I certainly feel better (after about 3 weeks already), and I've
got alot of testing to do to see what constitutes balanced diet, and if any
of it will work like I hope.  One thing that makes sense to me is that lean
meat is not the answer: enough protein already - I find the energy comes
from the fat.

and while I'm going on, here is a question that maybe some scientist will
research on sometime:

*A big problem is currently cholesterol in the Cooked-food arena, and the
finger is pointed at "Fat" in the diet (and of course taken to rediculous
extremes).  What I surmise is that Raw Fat/Cholestorol is the real_oil, and
the culprit is the unnatural_substances that are produced from cooking the
My reasoning is this: (and I don't happen to know if the body actually makes
cholestorol from fat also, which is ignored by me in this argument, however
it could modify it somewhat) Oyes, my reasoning:
**Raw Fat/Cholestorol is the real_oil**
Progesterone is a hormone produced by both men and women, and is used in
turn to produce many other very important hormones, including those involved
in the sex drive, bone metabolism,  and in reproduction, etc.  It is not
found apparently in any quantity in most foods, and in fact there is some
doubt that it is absorbed via the digestion, so they make it into a cream
for topical application.
Progesterone is made in the human body from Cholesterol (actually its just a
two-step process.
Now if people are showing signs of Progesterone deficiency, and also have
"cholesterol" in such quantity that its blocking the blood-tubes, then what
is amiss? Ergo, that stuff is crap: and the establishment is absolutely
correct in reccomending to avoid fats, etc as they are doing.  The problem
is there is no input of  Cholesterol (how do you spell it?) the good_oil.

that is a roundabout way of proposing that there won;t be any real progress
until we can define the difference between the RealDietFactors (as found in
the raw) and the AdulteratedIntakeFactors that are produced from the RF by
cooking and processing.

There are two futher points I will make, related to the above:
(1) animals (including humans) that take in poisons tend to store what they
can't excrete in their body fat, so it is vital to limit oneself to the best
quality Organic animal fats (and obviously raw) - NSED (not so easily done).
(2) the difference between margarine and butter (commercial sources):
butter is much less cooked, margarine is heated to 500 degrees C, its said
to be morelike a plastic!

if you are a Vegan and have read this far, and you are really healthy, fit
and full of energy, please let me know how you do it?  I would love to avoid
eating animals if I can (even if only for the risk of parasites, etc).

In fact, the same applies to RAF's too - what parts of the animals do you

best regards, Lynton.