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Denis PEYRAT <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Mar 1997 12:44:25 +0100 (GMT)
text/plain (41 lines)
I have to apologize for not having answered to many messages which came as a
response to my own postings. After being bounced off unvoluntarily for three
or four days, I tried to catch up with the archives but couldn't access them
thru the Net (there was an error message about a proxy not being accessible
or whatever...). That was right after I'd sent the "tales of plagiarism"
message so I actually never got to read your reactions.

Next disruption was a few days later, right after I wrote to Kirt telling
him to send me back some of his earlier  messages. In the course of
recuperating my messages , I had a system crash and I lost two days of
messages including the ones which Kirt had obligingly re-directed to me.

Because the ergonomics of my e-mail soft (eudora light version) is so bad,
it also happens that I delete two messages in a row, when I only want to
delete one....

So please accept my apologies if I haven't/if I do not  reply  to one of
your message .

While I'm at it, perhaps you should know that I work full time, with the
additional hassle of a spending  two hours and a half in public
transportation every day. One of the remaining week-end days is generally
devoted to major repair work in my  village house. And days off are either
dedicated to library research between in Paris,  Verdun ( Clara Davis and
WWI ) or elsewhere, or playing the entrepreneur with wholesale dealers of
building and renovation materials. As if it weren't enough, my wife and I
are also involved in a Paris based group of crudivores which is setting  up
a coop to secure  low priced but good quality foods (the kind of stuff which
Bruno  would probably do if he wasn't  lacking that  basic "community
minded" spirit which is so dear  to all of us, and the want of which   was
responsible, inter alia,  for his prepicitated departure from Montramé ).

I hope the above explanations will prove sufficient to  clear myself of any
charges of trying to temporize or elude the questions as they come up in
your mails.
