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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 11:49:08 -0600 (CST)
text/plain (122 lines)
Below is a  book review that I wrote for the NH M2M a couple of months
" On the issue of smelly turds, bad breath, flatulence etc. my belief
is that they are mainly caused by an impaired digestive system lacking
in a balanced bacterial flora. Ron Schmid describes the digestive
process in a healthy person as running "smooth as silk" and says that
digesting food should go by just as unnoticed as breathing. I can see
instincto in the future not only talking about cleaning out the system
with cassia but also replenishing the digestive tract with cultures of
good bacteria which according to David Webster only can be done by
feeding the few that might be left with specific nutrients or through
rectal implants. David Webster has written a book called "Achieve
Maximum Health - Colon Flora - The missing link in immunity, health &
longevity." (1995, Hygeia Publishing P.O.Box 995 Cardiff, CA 92007),
which is the best book on  colon health that I have yet to come across.
David who is in his late 60's seems to be in quite good health ( I
heard him give a lecture recently at a local health convention) and has
spent the last 20 years studying this subject. His contention is that
as long as toxins and pathogens from an abnormal colon flora
continuously circulate throughout the body, optimum health cannot be
obtained, and that the use of antibiotics, being bottle-fed instead of
breast-fed as babies and living on unnatural diets are the main reasons
why most people carry about two pounds (or about one-third of total
fecal weight) of putrefactive, alkaline bacteria in their colon. The
colon is supposed to be slightly acidic at the optimum range of 6.4 to
4.5 but when too alkaline bacteria like E.coli and fungi like Candida
albicans are allowed to proliferate. Oral supplementation does not work
as the beneficial bacteria will not survive the stomach acids, bile and
trypsin, and even if a few make it through to the colon the alkaline
environment there will kill them off. The remedy is first to clean out
the colon (colonics or enemas only sparingly as they tend to alkalize
the colon), then re-acidfy by eating "edible grade whey" (not whey
protein isolates) 3 table spoons daily for up to 30 days. If any
beneficial bacteria are left in the colon, the whey will make them
proliferate and the balance will be reestablished. In cases where there
are not any left (about 30% of the population) after the 30 day
re-acidifying process,  bacterial cultures are implanted rectally
(human strain, not bovine or plant) Here are three quotes from the
book: 1)"The colon plays a key role as part of the immune system in
both infants and adults. The colon lactobacteria provide one of
nature's first lines of defense in our bodies against invading
microorganisms. When laxtobacteria are established in the colon,
disease-forming, opportunistic organisms are unable to take hold or
survive. Lactobacteria literally provide a protective shield that
constitutes a major aspect of our immune function." 2)"The colon is the
soil  of  the body. The natural lactobacteria colon flora represent the
flowers growing in healthy soil. The pathogens (disease-produ
cing microorganisms) represent the weeds that proliferate in unhealthy
soil.  Cultivating a healthy colon flora can be referred to as
"intestinal gardening"". 3)"The premise of my work is that the
lactobacteria colon flora provide the foundation upon which life can
thrive. With this foundation in place, good health and immunity can
flourish, longevity can be realized. This is our birth right, a
bacterial gift from nature." The reason I brought up David Webster was
all the turd talk. For the stool freaks among us a healthy stool  1)is
slightly acidic 2)with predominant  lactobacteria populations 3) with
no odor  4)color: medium brown 5)shape: well-formed 6) floats most of
the time 7) with consistent pattern 8) regularity 1-2 times a day 9) no
mucous, blood, or undigested food particles. An unhealthy stool:
1)alkaline 2) with predominant pathogen populations 3) foul or st
rong odor 4)color: chalky, black, dark brown, gray 5)shape: loose,
stringy, hard balls 6) seldom or never floats 7)inconsistent pattern 8)
regularity: less than once a day or more than three times a day
9)presence of blood, mucous, or undigested food particles. Even though
Webster is big on Pasteur and a little paranoid of microorganisms, I
intend to try out his program soon."

A few weeks I came across "The Magic of Kefir" a great little little
book by Donna Gates author of "The Body Ecology Diet" on the healing
properties of kefir - preferably raw and from a goat. Her book
basically supports the tenets of David Webster's book that a balanced
intestinal flora is the key to a healthy body. Below follows some
quotes from the book:
 "For example, I knew that, at birth, a newborn has no inner ecosystem
and must establish it during the first few months of life, ideally from
breast milk. In fact, Nature decrees that mother's milk be available
for all offspring of mammals. This milk lays down a bed of clean mucus,
allowing friendly bacteria to establish themselves. Breast milk is an
excellent source of protective agents such as lauric acid, a powerful
antimicrobial that deactivates pathogenic bacteria, yeast, fungi, and
some viruses. This protects the baby until the inner ecosystem is well
established with positive bacteria and his immune system matures."
"Now, as we all know, Nature does not make mistakes. So, as I began to
add up all the facts, I realized that: 1) there is both good, clean
-quality mucus and toxic mucus, 2) good mucus coats and protects the
interior lining of the digestive tract, and 3) unlike yeast, who burrow
into the intestinal walls with their tentacles, good bacteria do not
have tentacles. They must be caught by this clean mucus where they
nestle into their warm, acidic environment, fed by the sugar (lactose)
in mother's milk. Mucus, I finally had to admit, was an essential part
of a healthy inner ecosystem."
"Pathogenic yeast actually live below the first few layers of mucosal
lining in the intestinal tract, so they are very difficult to reach,
Kefir does a great job of reaching them. And the several strains of
friendly bacteria in Kefir prevent pathogenic bacteria from trying to
set up housekeeping in our intestines. So if you are exposed to
pathogens such as E. coli, you have a better chance of fighting them
"Kefir keeps the small and large intestines clean and free of
parasites. Once in the large intestine, the beneficial bacteria create
lactic acid that balances the pH level there. In this acidic
environment parasites and other unfriendly organisms cannot survive.
Kefir's beneficial yeast and bacteria are ready to ambush any parasite
eggs or larvae before they have a chance to establish themselves and
"Tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in Kefir, combines with the
calcium and magnesium to help calm the nervous system.  Some people
call Kefir "Nature's tranquilizer" or "Nature's Prozac." Its calming
effect is great for people who are high-strung or nervous, for
hyperactive children, or for people with sleep disorders, such as the
Donna recommends making the kefir from preferably raw milk from: goat,
cow, sheep, soy, coconut or rice.
(Sometime ago Ric erroneously said that in order to make kefir the milk
had to be briefly heated first) Donna's book (less than $10) and a
Kefir kit including the beneficial bacteria cultures can be ordered at
1-888-KEFIR 4U or 1-800-4 STEVIA.

Best, Peter
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