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Sun, 24 Nov 1996 17:06:06 -0700
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Peter B writes:
>> Not that I want to burst your illusion, but Ray Kent is one of the most
>> bigoted and prejudiced human beings I have ever met.  He is a total
>> control freak who tolerates no opposition, and is sitting on so much
>> anger & resentment it will take him many incarnations to resolve it.
>> He is hardly an authority on issues of peace or spirit and certainly
>> not one on health & diet.  What he does have is a lot of charisma,
>> which attracts a lot of women devotees, and the power that follows
>> somebody who has the complete courage of his convictions.

someone named rob writes:

>HOW YOU possibly say this? The Kents lovewisdoms of the world are intense/
>	I'm a 46 year old nam vet and his truth hits home w/ me. Maybe
>	you need to take a look at yourself instead of condeming people that
>	actuually live and walk the walk. You will find more superficial
>	"Devotees" on your network and e-mail than you ever will by following
>	a Ray Kent or J Lovewisdom. Please don't denigrate women by saying

I didn't find any denegration of women in Peter's post. Support your
accusation or apologize. Or better yet, hold your sour tongue. Peter is
welcome to his opinion and has blessed veg-raw with many many fine posts.
Your post, on the other hand, appears to defy the charter of veg-raw on
several counts.

Rob, what veg-raw specializes in is independent thought, not "intensely"
following a "network". Most veg-raw subscribers don't find it useful,
polite, or necessary to attack people for their well-spoken views on the
validity of a particular way of thinking, or their take on the shortcomings
of a particular poo-ba who holds themselves up as the Ultimate Source of
Knowledge. As for walking one's talk, I think Peter is well down that road,
where it appears that you are walking someone's else's talk. There is a big
difference, and if your venom is simililar to your guru's (which seems
likely) then Peter is probably right on target in his characterization of
Ray Kent.

It may help you to know that Peter has no "devotees" on the "network".
Indeed, one of the biggest threads discussed on veg-raw is the relationship
between individual experience and various theories and paradigms,
especailly as regards a raw food diet. Lighten up or move on, Roy.
