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Sun, 24 Nov 1996 14:42:08 -0600
text/plain (40 lines)
> >in that elusive _compassion: the ultimate
> >ethic_, victoria produces a quote attributed to the buddha, which
> >follows the spirit of, "in the future, there will be those who will
> >try to tell you i did not advise against eating meat, and even that i
> >ate it myself.  know that none can attain enlightenment who eats the
> >flesh of animals."

> If eating meat is indeed part of our nutritional make-up and if diet
> has anything to do whatever with enlightenment, which I think is highly
> unlikely, it would seem that it would be a prerequisite rather than an
> obstacle to attaining enlightenment.

> >reminded me of my time at the living foods symposium in october '93,
> >when someone from the stage (ray kent?) exclaimed, "there will never
> >be peace on earth so long as humans eat meat.  no meat, no war."
> >well, in sanskrit, the word for "war" translates as "the desire for
> >more cows" (some of you tired of hearing this yet?  not me...)

> Not that I want to burst your illusion, but Ray Kent is one of the most
> bigoted and prejudiced human beings I have ever met.  He is a total
> control freak who tolerates no opposition, and is sitting on so much
> anger & resentment it will take him many incarnations to resolve it.
> He is hardly an authority on issues of peace or spirit and certainly
> not one on health & diet.  What he does have is a lot of charisma,
> which attracts a lot of women devotees, and the power that follows
> somebody who has the complete courage of his convictions.

> Best, Peter
> [log in to unmask]			

HOW YOU possibly say this? The Kents lovewisdoms of the world are intense/
	I'm a 46 year old nam vet and his truth hits home w/ me. Maybe	
	you need to take a look at yourself instead of condeming people that
	actuually live and walk the walk. You will find more superficial	
	"Devotees" on your network and e-mail than you ever will by following
	a Ray Kent or J Lovewisdom. Please don't denigrate women by saying this.

Hoping a bit of introspection comes your way...rob