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Tue, 2 Jun 1998 13:33:34 EDT
Gerry Coffey <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
 Roberta, you write:
<< this is a big problem because nearly ALL oils are heat extracted in
supermarket  and restaurants.  And those that aren't are often used to COOK WITH !!
 I don't have conclusions yet, but recent reading doesn't sound
 encouraging.  This would explain why there is such a drastic rise in
 heart disease in 80 years here in USA - we used to have low heart
 disease rates, now it is quite high.  Additionally not just increase in
 cooked oils worsens, but simultaneously, there is nutritional deficiency
 on rise of NEEDED fats in diet, so not one but two factors in
 consumption of fats has seriously injured the health of people.  Recent
 survey also shows 80% of people in USA are nutritionally deficient in
 essential fatty acids...which are obtained primarily through raw fatty
 foods. regards  >>

Roberta, you might find the following excerpt of interest from "Fasting--And
Eating--For Health" by former Olympic Champion/Coach Joel, Furhman, M.D.:
"Pasta Is Not Health Food:
The standard American diet is centered around animal foods and processed wheat
products, neither of which are ideal foods. Even worse, the typical modern
eater consumes a tremendous amount of extracted vegetablwe oil. Many Americans
add high-fat dressings or suaces to almost everything they consume that is not
a high-fat food to start with. Yet those familiar with the scientific research
on fats, including extracted plant fats such as olive oil and soy oil, know
that fats increase our risk of cancer. Vegetable fats are processed fooods
that interfere with the normal function of our immune system and that
contribute to obesity and chronic disease.
When individuals change from an animal-food-ased diet to a vegetarian diet,
but then eat mostly processed foods such as low-fat pizza, tofu dogs and other
health food store concoctions, refined cereals and grains, apsta, and bread as
the primary source of their caloires, the diet is still inadequate.
Grains, when consumed in their refined state, are compar1tively poor sources
of vitamins, especially antioxidants. They are also nearly devoid of essential
faacids. The opposite can be said of green vegetables. Green vegetables and
especially the leafy greens are rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty
acids, as well as thousands of other important nutrients that research
scientists  are beginning to identify as being essential for optimal health.
These plant-based substances, called phytochemicals, support our immune system
and protect us from cancer."

Aaron, Re:
<< It's reflected in my running which
 seems a bit more arduous than when I'm not consuming animal products. >>

Any ideas anyone?  My running speed hasn't changed, but I'm heavier now, more
body to move, have you gained tissue?  Anyone know if there's actually a
difference in the type of tissue that is produced?  Could it be uric acid in
muscles as the kidney's get used to having animal protein again? Aaron>>

Re: animal protein, Dr. Fuhrman says:
"Excess protein affects the body in a variety of negative ways, shortening
potential life span. Animal protein consumption has been linked with increased
caner rates and tumor formation as well as the acceleration of therosclerosis.
Excess proteins also increase our requirements for other nutrients by reducing
the uptake of folate, pantothenic acide, and pyridoxine, and by washing away
essential minerals through the kidney as the kidney attempts to eliminate the
extra nitrogenous waste....
....Relatively high levesl of uric acid, amonia, and other toxins such as
phenols, skatole, and indole are formed by proteolytic bacteria, which line
our digestive tract when we consume a high-protein diet. 'These toxic by-
products elaboratedf by bacteria in our gut can significantly add to the toxic
load the body must deal with on a daily basis and can contribute to multiple
disease processes."
