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Tue, 19 May 1998 21:55:53 EDT
AARONLIFE <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)

Great post or update!  And to add to what you wrote...

Personally I think breatharianism is nature's way of getting rid of people
who are spritually LOST.  Think about it, if you don't eat food, your sex organs
shut down, you become infertile, your genetic line ENDS, and you DIE.
Pretty good way to get rid of the weak of spirit, no?  Same for ethical vegans and
fruitarians.  Any time you restrict nutrients, because you are more
concerned with OTHER LIFE rather than YOUR OWN, instead of by instinct, sex drive
slows, loss of fertility, or if there is fertility, children are weaker, etc.,
eventually the genetic line ENDS.  Again, the weak die out and the strong,
who put their OWN LIFE FIRST, or the LIVES OF THEIR CHILDREN FIRST (eat abundant
nutrients for strong children), survive.  It's natural selection.  Makes me
wonder if fruitarians are nature's way of getting rid of the weak spirits?
Overpopulation?  Tempt the weak with the delusions of spritual purity, kill
them off, so the strong, those who adhere to instinct most closely, survive
to continue the race.  Seriously, how else does natural population occur except
through martyrdom.

Anyway, I'll write more about this in the future...

As far as spritual diets, I just LIVE and don't hold morality, ideals,
beliefs, judgments, etc.  I just live innocently, and act appropriately.
And through LIVING, I'll just eat what my body needs to thrive.  It was a good
lesson to learn, I now have no aspirations of adhering to any spritual diet,
and I keep feeling better and better and better, ecstatic actually.  Much
better than my fruitarian vegan diet!

All LIFE is ONE, so what does it matter when one LIVES compassionately?  Any
action is with good intent!

Knowledge of good and evil led to the fall of man.

Anyway, the above is just a theory, but unfortunately, a good number of my
theories turn out to be right.  Regardless, martyrdom, or LIVING according
to BELIEFS, is a great way to induce extinction.

Notice the pattern:

hunter/gatherer nutrition - lacto-vegetarian - vegan - fruitarian -
breatharian - energarian - extinction:  (occurs towards the last three) with
increasing 'spritual morality'.

Morality leads to the fall of man, loss of innocence...


perhaps extinction is a manifestation of spritual evolution?

would anyone risk their life for that speculation?

I wouldn't... I'd rather enjoy LIFE NOW!

But didn't a number of people just commit suicide to attain the next level
on some comet?

I think I'd rather be a breatharian, at least that way I can eat food at
social occasions ;)

give up beliefs and LIVE,
