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Mon, 10 Nov 1997 07:59:49 -0800
"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (97 lines)
The following material was written by Morris Krok, and is being posted
as received, with no edits. The material below is a supplement to his
"Exeter Notes" material, posted some weeks ago on the veg-raw and raw-food
e-mail lists. (This is the second supplement, the first was posted
a few weeks ago.)

P.S. the Exeter Notes material can be accessed in the raw-food list archives,
            < http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/raw-food.html >,
and it is also at: http://www.living-foods.com  (people section - Morris

Tom Billings
[log in to unmask]

===========begin material by Morris Krok========================

        (19) I turned vegetarian in 1955/1956 which also excluded fish.
 However, in 1977 on the occasion of my son's barmitzvah at the age of
 thirteen there was a number of plates of fish dishes left over. Instead
 of giving them away, I included the fish in my meals over the next few
 days. Within days of eating it, my right hip became so impaired and
 painful that I could only hobble about with a stick for about two weeks.
 It only came right the day I boarded a plane on a visit to Israel and
 England. I was most concerned that I would not be able to sit cramped up
 in a seat with pain for ten hours. The Nature Cure that I studied taught
 that fish and meat leave deposits of uric acid in the body which if not
 neutralized by alkaline foods can result in arthritic and rheumatic
 conditions of muscles and joints. My experience in this regard confirmed
 the naturopathic contention that illness is caused by toxic substances
 accumulating in the body from bad eating, the suppression of symptoms
 with medicine and pollutants from various sources. And these symptoms
 will remain or become more entrenched in the body while these unwanted
 substances remained in the tissues, or they were continually being fed
 into the body. It was amazing that my leg gave no trouble whatsoever for
 the six weeks in my overseas travels. On a few occasions since then, my
 hip and lower back has caused problems when I overconsumed on raw and
 roasted peanuts, but never to the same degree than that experienced in
 1977. This experience of mine, in a sense contradicts the present
 nutritional theory that symptoms are a result of some deficiency.
 If one examines the books and booklets in health shops, you will find one
 dealing with the "amazing properties" of a herb, a vitamin, a mineral or
 some new supplement from some exotic region. But on the same shelves you
 will find books on fasting which is an age old method of restoring health
 by abstaining from all foods and supplements. This is the dilemna or
 gauntlet the health seeker must face, "is my problem caused by not eating
 something, to make up a deficiency and sufficient neutralizing alkaline
 elements; or I must give the body an extended period of rest from all food
 so that it can catch up with the elimination of unwanted substances that
 have accumulated in the tissues."
        (20) John Gobi was a retarded person who I knew did not go to
 school. Once I met him at the cobbler shop it was either during the last
 years at primary school or during the first few years I was at high
 school. I said to him, "John have you been to school?"
        "No, he said, "I am past that stage."
        This phrase has now become a wonderful tool of mine. The moment I
 am invited to eat out or go to a meeting I am not interested in, I say,
 "I am past that stage." I use this to express my views about drugs,
 medical theories regarding vaccination, the eating of flesh.
        (21) It could have been during the 1970's when a man from
 Pietermaritzburg told me of his sore on his finger that would not heal
 with all the remedies and methods the doctors used. But after taking a
 daily dose of epsom salts for about two weeks, the sore healed. He did
 not explain why he decided to take these salts so all I can assume that
 he must have felt constipated. This proves the naturopathic concept that
 illness is not necessarily a question of deficiencies but of unwanted
 substances accumulating in the
 body. Once this toxic matter is removed, the symptoms disappear. Cyril.
 Scott in his book "Doctors, Disease and Health", mentions the something.
 similar when he cites the case of a woman who suffered from numerous.
 symptoms caused by a defective working colon. After it was repaired by.
 surgery, the symptoms disappeared. It is for this reason that there are.
 many books on Colon Cleansing as the very first step to improve the health.
 of body and mind.
        (22) In the winter of Durban which is on the coast in a sub-tropical
 region, that does not get very cold, my body on a fruit diet would not
 warm up if I, had a cold shower or went swimming. But the moment I added
 some nuts or, baked potatoes to the diet, it enabled me to withstand the
 cold water..
 Another thing which helped was rubbing the body with oil before swimming..
 This indicates that there is such a thing as the calorific effect of food,.
 or that when going on a raw food diet, there is a need to eat more.
 concentrated food than just fruit.

Morris Krock

Essence of Health is the Essence of Life

P.O.Box 1129
South Africa

Phone +27 31 864521
Fax   +27 31 2670600