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Mon, 4 Aug 1997 22:07:39 +0200
"Karl-W. Geitz" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)

> sustain themselves on today.  Logic follows that if this genetic
> adaptation is a reality, a 100% raw diet would be inferior to a diet
> that included at least small amounts of foods cooked. Cooking does
> destroy many naturally occurring toxins & microbes in the foods and

I doubt this very much because I have seen that people who were ill
when they still ate cooked get their symptoms back immediately if
they eat only small amount of cooked food (or eat not-so-instinctively).

I think that the body is able to handle small amounts of denaturated
molecules because it always was exposed to them. There is always a
fruit that did get to hot or a fish that was exposed to the sun to
long, or a bush fire that roasted some animals or roots. But I assume
that our bodies never got adapted genetically to the large amounts
of denaturated stuff that comes with the usual cooked, processed, food.

I see now, that only small deviations from the instinctive rule lead
to all kinds of problems. For me these are knee aches, pimples or a
snuff. For others it might be a cancer or a neurodermitis that cause
problems again.
