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Sun, 27 Jul 1997 03:03:29 -0500
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 lines)
>My own hypothesis is that the bleeding is a detox and I'd have to
>be raw and living in a very pristine environment to stop bleeding.

>>PMS is another matter altogether. I do believe that diet
>>can and probably does often have an effect on PMS.

As PMS is usually followed by excessive menstrual bleeding, the two
issues are often related. Like you I doubt that no bleeding at all is a
sign of health but I am convinced that a short menstruation with a
minimal and painless flow is.

>I swear I've bitten my tongue many many times and kept
>my mouth shut when my fingers were itching to jump in
>and verbalize my frustration/disbelief at what some of
>you are writing, but I know it's rude to come on to a mailing
>list that's meant for support and smirk at the participants.

Rather than bite your tongue please feel free to jump in more often.

>I just couldn't keep quiet this time. I think what Trish
>wrote is an indication of the "zealotry" some of you
>have been talking about, and it's *really* creepy.

Were that only true and my job as a moderator would be a breeze however
Trish's post would be an insult to any true zealot. ;-) To get a taste
of what I mean, a person in this category used to sign every post to
the list with the line "Meat is Murder! Dairy is merely sexual

>I stay because of the good stuff, especially because of
>Peter and Kirt.

I am glad that you have decided to hang in with us (and even more that
my contributions are among your favorites. ;-)) My guess is that much
of what you might consider "bad stuff" is more an expression of
insecurity than a zealous attitude, and I think it is important we
express our ignorance and misconceptions so that we have the
opportunity to learn and grow - and people like you to set us straight.

>I'll try to keep my opinions to myself, but no guarantees.

God forbid. It takes courage to jump in like you did ( and stand up to
Scientology like you do with your Xenu's Sister spoof ), and I hope you
will feel called to express more of this spirit on the list.

>Next time you are upset with something I write, maybe you
>could ask me about it before you flame.  Being yelled at
>and called creepy feels like crap.

I do not think that Vickie meant that you were "creepy" but rather that
she was expressing her general distaste for zealotry.

>The thing I do not like about internet lists is that it is a
>conversation based solely on words. Words are great, but they require
>lots of work to get them just right.

Is that ever true. :-(

>I guess I would prefer to err on the side of saying something, and
>being able to clarify it if it isn't clear.

And please continue to. Your posts are among my favorite.

>If you and I had been talking face to face, I sincerely doubt you
>would think I was a zealot!

That shows the limitations of a written forum like this. I agree that
face to face this misunderstanding would never have occurred.

Best, Peter
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