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Tue, 22 Jul 1997 07:05:11 -0600
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
>I am curious about the deeper reasons for the experiments. You wrote,
>that you were dismayed with the emotional/intellectual imbalance of most
>other 100% raw-fooders you met. How about your own? Did you feel imba-
>lanced? Did others tell you you were?
>Or did you simply feel unsatisfied with your daily meals?

In order to truly judge the efficasy of my all-raw diet I must try some
non-raw foods--that was my primary motivation. Finding out that they
weren't all that evil was something of a surprise to me. I felt no
particular unbalance--then again, I'm not sure some GCB feels he's
unbalaanced in any way, you know? ;)

>You wrote two times, you wanted to crowd out the excess amount of
>fruits in your meals and add more vegetables. Did you experience bad
>results with a high fruit intake (except for citrus, you mentioned
>that)? If yes, which?

When we lived in Bangkok (for 4 years) we were essentially fruitarian for
months at a stretch (though frutarian with durian 5 months of the year
isn't really fruitarian ;)).

My only gripes about instincto are that I'm 10-15 pounds overweight, and
Melisa had two miscarries--both gripes in which too much fruit may be a
contributing factor. In all, it seems to me that RAF, not fruit, is what
provides me the greatest benefit.

>Several instinctos in my town seem to have difficulties with 100% and
>most of them do experiments, like yours. So I would like to compare
>the experiences.

SO WOULD I! How about you survey them and report back, eh?

>And of course I want to find out, where I might be in some years...

Second person info won't tell you that, I'm afraid...
