Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Steinar Midtskogen <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Apr 1998 00:21:57 +0200
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (86 lines)

> _all_ of Gaul (anglese) : _all_ es un pronomine, non un adjectivo.

On non pote haber le mesme signification con le mesme construction
grammatical in anglese.  Io poteva scriber "all Gaul" como "all
night", sed io scribeva "all of Gaul" que pare simile.  Le
signification es "the whole of Gaul".

> Es "omnis" in
> > >Galia est omnis divisa in partes tres =
> un pronomine? adverbio?

Adjectivo.  "Gallia omnis" es le subjecto.

> Da me exemplos in latino ubi "omnis" es usate in le senso de
> "every, each"

"Corpus omne perseverare in statu suo quiescendi vel movendi
uniformiter in directum, nisi quatenus a viribus impressis cogitur
statum illum mutare" (Newton)

"Omnis homo mendax" (rom 3:4) ("every man a liar")

"Omnis ars imitatio naturae" (Seneca)

"Militat omnis amans" (Ovidius) ("every lover serves (as a soldier)"

> e ubi illo es usate in le senso de "all" (con
> substantivo singular

"Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres" (Caesar)

"Omnis insula est in circuitu uicies centum milium passuum" (Caesar)
("the whole island is 20*100 miles in circumference")

"Omne ignotum pro magnificio est" (Tacitus) ("Everything that is unknown...")

"Omnem rem scio" ("I know the whole thing" (sed in un specific
contexto forsitan "I know each thing"))

> e substantivo plural).

"Omnes res scio" ("I know all things")

"nil rerum omniumst quod malim" (Terentius) ("There is nothing of all
things that I would rather wish")

"congregatique sunt ad eum omnes filii Levi" (exo 32:26) ("and all the
sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him."

> Io es curiose a
> apprender como le latino distingue inter "every" e "all" con
> substantivos singular in le caso de "omnis".

Anglese "all the ...s" -> latino "omnes" (pl.)
Anglese "every", "each", "whole of" -> latino "omnis" (sg.)

(naturalmente, il ha altere parolas e idiomas)

> De plus, si il vos place, explica como "totus" esseva usate.

"tota Gallia" = "omnis Gallia" ("the whole of Gaul, no part excluded")

"Tela Totius Terrae" ("WWW")

"toto proelio pugnavi" ("I fought during the whole battle")

"tota mente incumbere in rem" ("to devote yourself to the case with
all of your soul")

"totos dies domi eram" ("I was at home all of the days (i.e. several
days and all of each)")

"totae res" ("all the things", "completely all of the things").

"totis viribus meis servierim patri vestro" (gen 31:6) ("with all my
power I have served your father")

"super custodiam meam ego sum stans totis noctibus" (isa 21:8) ("I am
set in my ward whole nights")
