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Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Mar 1998 10:37:43 -0500
text/plain (52 lines)
> Since milk supplied 3/4 or more of the RDA for
> half nutrients, one can at best conclude that milk drinkers are
> likely to do rather well

I wouldn't say so. Infants can still absorb huge quantities of milk (it was the
main staple for two of the three children), but adults can't absorb so much
lactose... and milk can have other inconvenients.

> Not even the simple Zone rule is met...

Well, the Zone rule is not met by mother's milk either. I don't think that the
Zone concepts apply to infants.

>Do you think that there might me
>an ASCII Text Version of the Original Study somewhere for us? I would
>do it myself but I don't have an OCR Program on this System

Neither do I.

>By they way, what is your Diet in general?

Mostly instincto. My diet history is scattered throughout the archives, from
97/2/28 until now.

While I am at it, here are a few interesting, and perhaps funny facts from
Davis CM, Results in the self-selection of diets by young children, Can Med
Assoc J 1939; 41: 257-61

"Colds were usually of the mild three-day type without complications of any
kind. There were a few cases of tonsillitis but no serious illness among the
children in the six years. Curiously enough, the only epidemic disease to visit
the nursery was acute glandular fever of Pfeiffer with which all the children in
the nursery came down like ninepins on the same day. During this epidemic when
temperatures of 103 F to 105 F prevailed, as with colds, etc, trays were served
as usual, the children continuing to select their own food from the regular
list. This led to the interesting observation that just as loss of appetite
often precedes by twenty-four to forty eight hours other discoverable symptom of
acute infection, so return of appetite precedes by twelve to twenty-four hours
all other signs of convalescence, occurring when fever is still high and
enabling the observer to correctly predict its fall."

"During convalescence unusually large amounts of raw beef, carrots and beets
were eaten. The demand for increased amounts of raw beef and carrots can be
easily accounted for but we are still curious about that for beets".

"Meals were often combinations of foods that were strange indeed to us, and
would have been a dietetitian's nightmare--for example, a breakfast of a pint of
orange juice and liver; a supper of several eggs, bananas and milk."