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Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 09:00:09 -0400
text/plain (90 lines)

>Why do prices need to be "justified"?  Why are prices at Orkos an issue
>connected with GCB's pedophilia/abuse arrest?  Are people in Europe FORCED to
>buy from Orkos?  Don't Orkos' customers VOLUNTARILY pay whatever they pay?

They don't have to be justified, but Burger and co claim that Orkos is
a non-profit organization. The prices at Orkos are an issue because
they talked about it in the same article as the one dealing with'pedophilia
arrest. And people are not forced to buy but maybe some WOULD LIKE to,
and are not financially at ease enough. Worse, Burger and co say all the
time that instincto doesn't work if food is denatured, i.e. you have to
buy Orkos, otherwise your instinct will be misled.

Personally, my leftist-oriented mind tells me that a diet not affordable by
-say- 80% of the French population is not acceptable. I would rather find
a compromise than pay 3 times the price of an ordinary (cooked) meal.

> And if Instinctive Nutrition is an "extreme diet", then trillions of living
>animals for millions of years have been living extremely ... & rather
>successfully.  I'm pleased to join them.

Want it or not, 100% raw IS extreme AMONG HUMANS. Remember what you would
have thought about someone eating 100% raw 30 years ago? I think that
an "ordinary" person is much less likely to experiment with raw food than
someone who is in the fringe. And I repeat that extreme diets attract
extreme people, but NOT ONLY extreme people.

>I've been gettin' by with a definiton of slavery that includes "force",
>"compulsion" (like drafting folks into the army or "social service" against
>their will).. Are we using different meanings, or was Orkos forcing labor
>from unwilling victims.  Mebbe we need to awaken our witness, Ano to ask?

I was just taking an extreme example. Working at Orkos is not slavery,
but the *analogy* is that people *need* to eat Orkos food, and that's
a kinda "psychological force".

>Looks complicated and isn't complicated at all once you have practised
>it awhile. Try it! Get some small wooden figure and move it from box
>to box - this is the recommendation of Mr. Burger. Just like playing a
>Can you scan this in and post it? This would involve a translation.
>Although I'm a computer expert I haven't found a way to post it without
>lots of work.

Maybe I will try it. I have to ask them to send me a copy first.
And to post it, it would be necessary to translate, type, scan it and
post it on my WWW page (for instance). A lot of work...

>>if I follow my denatured instinct with selected fruits, I invariably
>>end up eating a fruit-only meal).

>Not a problem in my oppinion if you balance this with a vegetable meal
>in the evening.

OK, I won't suffer any deficiencies, but I was wondering about the
insulin response of a large, fruit-only meal.

>I seriously doubt, that there was a benefit from unions of workers.
>I know which power an employee has, if he is   w i l l i n g   to
>use it. It can be a very strong position. Or a very weak one, if you
>are allowing your employer to decide. It depends.

Maybe. I don't believe so, after many discussions with people involved
in leftist political parties, but I stop the discussion there (off-topic)

>Oops, what is manicheism?

Sorry, there was a misspelling.

Word: manichaeism
 or Man-i-che-an \,man-e-'ke^--en\ or Man-i-chee \'man-e-,ke^-\ n
[LL manichaeus, fr. LGk manichaios, fr. Manichaios Manes +ab 276
     A.D. Pers. founder of the sect]
1: a believer in a syncretistic religious dualism originating in Persia
     in the 3d century A.D. and teaching the release of the spirit
     from matter through asceticism
2: a believer in religious or philosophical dualism
-- Manichaean adj
-- Man-i-chae-an-ism \,man-e-'ke^--e-,niz-em\ n
-- Man-i-chae-ism \'man-e-(,)ke^--,iz-em\ n

I was referring to the 2nd meaning.