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Aaron Sugarman <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 10:06:35 EST
text/plain (85 lines)
In a message dated 98-10-29 04:50:14 EST, you write:

<< It does take everybody's.  >>


Yes it does.


Cooked food in the body is cooked food in the body regardless of whose body it
is in.

It is never raw.

Every person will spend more energy lifting 50 pounds than 5 pounds on planet
earth.  That is not an over-generalization.   We cannot say, "some people will
have an easier time lifting the 50 pounds as compared to the five pounds."
However, we could say, the person feels more energized lifting the 50 lbs.
Often, the more you spend your energy, the more energy you 'have' to live.  It
is all relative.

Over-individualizing, which is what Liza is doing, is a defense mechanism, and
it's a nice way to be tactful or respectful of a person's space and
individuality, and psyche, but it's not sobriety.

From your perspective, Liza is saying, "some fires burn well with dry logs and
some fires will do better with soaking logs."   You might say, "Fire is fire
and a dry log burns cleaner, that's reality, are you blind?".    However,
perhaps from Liza's perspective,  depending on what you want from the fire,
and how much wood you have, maybe you DO want to use a wet log to make the
fire burn longer.  In that case, for her, "it's going to be a long night, the
fire is better with the wet long, thank you very much!"

Hers is an equally valuable perspective.

Where the individual comes in, what is best for THEIR LIFE at that moment.

However, you are right, fire is fire and the human body is the human body.

No one can take reality away from you and it is there even if you forget it.

There is a tendency when one finds some self-knowledge, I have found in
myself, to be sobering with everyone so that everyone can share in your
insight, and you can all experience agreement and benefit from seeing that
aspect of reality, but I've been learning it isn't always helpful.

The moment determines whether it is appropriate or not, and sometimes, it's
just plain NOT helpful.

If you are in a position of leverage to handle some aspect of reality, then
you are fortunate.  But in order to help another, you may have to find a way
for them to come to that realization themselves.  Or, you may have to simply
love them and feel compassion and handle them not knowing.  Sometimes, people
can harm themselves and others with knowledge, if it is told at an
inappropriate time.

Would you tell someone when they have a gun to their head that their wife just
kissed some other guy down at the local bar, or, wait until they've sobered up
and gotten over the break-up?

Which would be more helpful to them gaining leverage so that they can have a
wonderful life?

An Ethiopian cannot necessarily afford to hear that the cooked gruel that is
keeping them alive is going to overwork their pancreas.  They could become
obsessive and not eat at all, or they could say, "well, how is that statement
going to help me!?", or they could laugh and teach you something, saying, "my
pancreas is keeping me alive by working a little harder than it normally
would.  Wouldn't you run harder if a lion was chasing you?  Well, death is
chasing me!"

When people you know eat a cooked tuber instead of a raw tuber, just love them
and they will feel better in spite of eating cooked food ;).   That is what is
important to learn about life, and that is what is important about this list.

Knowing that raw food is in some ways more energetically expensive is knowing
just one tiny aspect of reality.

Don't lose your humility, you still know next to nothing.

As do I...
