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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Jun 1997 19:02:14 -0500 (CDT)
text/plain (42 lines)
The veg-raw archives from January 1996 to November 1996 have been added
to the raw-food archives. You can find them either by going to the
archives at < http://www.bolis.com/list-archives/raw-food > and
accessing the subject index "indexlog.htm" - no matter which message
you choose to retrieve you will get the whole month starting with the
first message of that month - or by going direct to the monthly files
starting January 1996 at vr9601.txt. "Indexlog.txt" gives a quick
overview but no access.

By going to digest archives at <
http://www.bolis.com/list-archives/raw-food-digest > and accessing the
subject index "indexlog.htm" you will get all the list of all the
messages from November 1996 until today - these are grouped by the day
so are a little easier to access than the old veg-raw which are grouped
by the month - and for a quick overview of all the messages from Nov.96
to June 97 use the "indexlog.txt".

In the regular digest archives the missing headers from January 21,
until April 10, of this year will be reinstated shortly.

Raw-food has been offered a new home on a server that offers the same
unique archive search capabilities as you will find at
< http://maelstrom.stJohns.edu/CGI/wa.exe?S1=paleofood >
So, for example, if you want to know everything that has been posted
about cassia you will by typing in "cassia" and pressing the search
button in an instant have every message before you that has been posted
on the subject on the raw-food list since January 1996. I think that is
a very cool feature, and Dave and I are presently considering the pro's
and con's of moving the list in order to get this function. Moving the
list would involve a fair amount of work for Dave & I mostly in
reorganizing the archives for the new search feature, but will not be a
determining factor.

Though not as sophisticated as the archive search engine the new
features in the present archives are certainly a great improvement. If
any of you have any preferences or thoughts on this matter please let
me know on the list or via private email.

Best, Peter
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