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Print Reply
Wed, 4 Dec 1996 21:25:51 -0800
Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (80 lines)
>>each signature. I need to know exactly who is writing your posts,
>>and only one name will be accepted for each post. Thank you!

>Though Melisa is starting to suspect otherwise, I can ignore these
>guys.Bump them if they are against the "charter" (that's your job I
>guess), but don't on my account. The more they post, the more people
>can see what they are all about (or not!). People are posting more,
>coming out of the woodwork a little bit. Whatever their etiquette
>shortcomings, one must admit that the stew has been stirred. Anything
>that gets Ombodhi's heart pitter-pattering can't be all bad :)

NFL has indeed brought about some very inspired writing but 1)I would
hate to think that we are dependent of cheap provocations to bring out
the muse in us. 2) I do not want NFL constantly bringing the RAF issue
to the forefront at the expense of some more low key exchanges as
recipes, foraging tips etc. 3) The whole issue of RAW is very sensitive
& touchy issue for many of us - sure is for me - and stirs up a lot of
emotions. If we are to investigate this issue in depth, the last we
need is for NFL to fan the flames. 4) I am concerned of the general
effect so much on-going negativity will have and that it would create
an atmosphere of polarization that need not have been there. 5)I want
this list to remain a safe place to post, and not somewhere where you
risk getting blasted by NFL. I for one feel intimidated by their take
no hostage attitudes (Bhodi, my heart starts beating faster too, when I
read their postings), and I am wearing tired of having to constantly
moderate on these young bucks, who contribute nothing but empty
rhetoric and disrespectful posturing to this list. Not everybody has
the emotional resilience or eloquence in writing to stand up to the
ridicule & intimidation that are the hallmarks of their response to
anyone who dares questions any of their allegations.  6) Many feel too
intimidated to post as it is (3/4 of the subscribers have never
posted), & I know several subscribers that even without the presence of
NFL on the list are too scared to go public about the fact they have
been/are thinking of experimenting with RAF's - this in spite of the
many disclosures on the subject already on the list!!  They just do not
feel they can deal with the scorn & prejudice that they are afraid they
might receive from their vegan/vegetarian friends, if they publicize
their dissidence. For this reason and out of respect to (perspective)
newcomers to the list who, given the nature of many of the debates
going on, might get offended or feel that the present name is false
advertisement, we are considering changing the name from veg-raw to

>Further, I'd bet they speak for a segment of veg-rawer. I'm
>especially curious if Renee and Eric are squirming at all, or if they
>support such rhetoric (and the dropping of their names in such a

Me too.

>I miss their POI.

So do I even though I am not sure of what it stands for.:-)

>Besides, NFL may consider it a feather in their cap (they're just
>_too_straight-up and hard-hitting for the fools in veg-raw, etc. etc.)
>or perhaps even some martyr-type stuff.

Somehow, I think I can live with that. :-/ Besides, nobody is ever
excluded from the list immediately. It is more a 3 strikes and you are
out kind of thing. (First a 3 month suspension, then another suspension
up to 6 Mo.'s, and only after that if nothing has changed, is it out
for good) With NFL the most obvious thing to do would be to unsubscribe
NFL the entity and invite them to resubscribe as individuals - this is
what I expect will be the outcome, when some more
administrative/technical changes that the list going through just now,
are over.

>On the other hand, anyone who refuses to sign a post belongs on the
>alt.knob newsgroup, not here. Go figgur, eh?

What does knob mean in this context?

>Cheers, Kirt

Best, Peter
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