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Wed, 15 Oct 1997 09:35:55 -0700
"Thomas E. Billings" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (428 lines)
***Begin part 2/2
        It is not food unless it is cooked and eaten warm. To get your monies worth
 it must stick to your ribs; give you indigestion and heartburn, make you
 belch, constipate you so badly that only small hard balls are evacutated
 every now and again, produce acid and burning urine, heart palpitations,
 short breath, always coughing, spluttering, sneezing, blowing bubbles of
 phelm and saturating one hankerchef after another, constant sore throat,
 swollen glands, underarm odour, halitosis, teeth covered with tartar,
 blocked nose, sinuses and ear passages, scalp heavily encrusted with
 dandruff, boils, pimples, sore and stiff joints and muscles, not to mention
 obsesity. After all what fun is it to eat food which is easily used by the
 body, needs no preparation, greasy pans and pots, recipe books, corpulent
 chefs, sophisticated crockery and kitchen galleries, keeps you fresh,
 youthful, silent breathing and a calm clear mind, and no nightmares to
 disturb your sleep. After all what fun is it not to have medical checks,
 expensive laboratory medical tests, prescription or over-the-counter drugs,
 or buy exotic foods and food supplements. Life I am afraid will become too
 boring, it will tax our soul and  very equanimity.

        In the same vein, study what I refer to as "Altakukness" (old man who  is
 always constipated).

        The absurdity of modern medical thinking is evident when a name and
 a remedy has to be found for the following condition. The symptoms are
 described in the first person.

        "I have gout of the big toe and my ankles are puffy and painful. The
 soles of my feet are tender with bunions, a few toes have corns, the
 muscles of the calf and thigh are stiff, my knees creek and bend with
 difficulty, and I have sciatica of the hips. Lumbago plagues my lower back
 which makes bending an arduous task. My shoulders and elbows are so stiff
 that it is on ordeal to move my arms or even flex my fingers. What is more
 disturbing is my inability to have free movement of my head either side due
 to the impaired condition of my neck muscles.

        I am always constipated and only with great straining will a few
 hard balls with streaks of blood be deposited in the toilet. I am
 therefore, sure I have haemorrhoids. It is only difficulty that I can
 urinate. I always have pains in the groins and my entire abdomen is painful
 to the touch and bloated. It appears that all the organs of the abdomen are
 dislocated and in a  prolapsed state. I always suffer from indigestion and
 belch continuously. I am always craving food but the smallest mouthful
 gives me gas and heartburn. The pressure in the abdomen makes breathing
 difficult. This may indicate that I have hiatus hernia. In addition I
 suffer from heart palpitations and an irregular heartbeat. My blood
 pressure and cholesterol count is far too high. Is it then a wonder that I
 have varicose ulcer that suppurates odoriferous matter and refuses to

        I have bags and puffiness under my eyes and there is blueness around
 my lips. My nose is always red though I never drink a drop of alcohol. My
 throat is is always sore and my teeth discoloured and covered with tartar.
 My tongue is heavily coated and from the bad tastes in the mouth it is
 certain I have halitosis. My ears are always ringing and everyday I must
 remove thick brown wax from them. I would not be surpised if I have pierced
 eardrums. My gums are sore and a neuralgic pain stretches from my teeth to
 the ears. My sinuses are painful to the touch, and my nose is firmly
 blocked with phlegm that forces me to breathe through the mouth. Through
 this open aperture slime is continuously dripping. Like a baby I have to
 wear a bib to keep it from soiling my clothes. Every morning my eyes cannot
 be opened until I have peeled off the sleep which is gluing my eyelids
 together. The glands on the side of the neck, under the jawbones, and under
 the armpits are enlarged and painful.

        My energy level is low as I am exhausted by the least amount of
 activity. Even office work is too much effort as the very act of trying to
 think is tedious. My memory is so bad that I cannot remember where I put
 things or recall names of person whom I know very well. It is impossible
 for me to relax and find rest from sleep as I am too conscious of my aches
 and symptoms. By coughing without a stop at night and sleeping with a mouth
 wide open so that I snore heavily no one in our house has a proper sleep. I
 am constantly having colds and fevers just to add to my debilitated state
 and crown my suffering. From the yellow and green mucuous that sticks in my
 throat and nose, I can come to only one conclusion that all the
 capillaries, arterioles, bronchial tubes and the alveoli air sacs in the
 lungs must be saturated with sticky, tenacious slime that is more engulfing
 than an oil slick.

        Doctor please tell me what ails me? Is it snaids, baids, aids or
 cascades? I think viruses and microbes from outer space have invaded my
 innards or is it the radiation from the telephone, T.V., stove and
 microwave oven that is causing this mysterious illness. It could be lead
 from exhaust fumes that has poisoned my bloodstream. But whatever it is
 doctor, please find a proper name for my condition so that one correct
 remedy can be prescribed as I believe nothing can be done unless it has a
 label. The last thing I want to be is a guinea pig for the drug companies
 and the miracle drugs they are always recommending. I also do not want to
 become a pin-cushion for all the injec- tions the medical clinics have
 available. I would like, in fact, to meet a physician who can tell me what
 I am doing wrong so that I can put things right. It appears though, if I am
 not mistaken, that I may have to demonstrate in front of government
 buildings for more money to be allocated to research my mysterious illness.
 Perhaps it is best if I call it alta kuckerness and leave it at that! As a
 last thought there is one other baffling symptom - it is the moving pain
 syndrome which I experience a few times a month. The pain starts in the
 abdomen and then travels downwards before it begins to travel upwards to
 give me a splitting headache for thrity miniutes or so when this travelling
 pain condition dissipates."

        His illness is civilization-nitis. Wrong foods result in poor assimilation
 and elimination with the result that the toxic residues that keep on
 accumulating in the body start spreading throughout the system affecting
 more organs and tissues in its path.
        We must only cast dubious glances at present medical thinking and the host
 of remedies and procedures available, but we must also be critical of
 physiotherapy and exercise so as to see it in a proper light. It has
 already been mentioned the importance of keeping the body moving to ensure
 the thorough blood and nerve circulation. A stagnant body will lead to a
 stagnant mind. Our thoughts must flow unceasingly and so too must the nerve
 impulses flow to every organ, tissue, muscle, joint and gland of the body.
 Nevertheless exercise is not a magical panacea, and nor does it mean that
 we have to do arduous and strenous exercises to keep healthy. From the cat
 we learn how they merely stretch (something that the yogis also learnt) to
 release energy and be ready for all activities. For exercise to play a
 meaningful role, it must be combined with sensible living. After all what
 is the point for sweating it out when at the very next meal, we neutralise
 all this effort by putting back the rubbish which has been excreted. The
 bad smelly odours charactestic of gymns and sporting change rooms should
 clearly demonstrate of the putrefying and fermenting matter that modern man
 harbours in his body.
        Henry A Solomon M.D. wrote a book called the Exercise Myth wherein he
 showed that exercise does not produce the results one expects. Even
 athletes and those who exercise religously get colds, pains in different
 parts of the body; and it is even known how top class athletes and marathon
 runners drop dead. The yogis tell their students that unintelligent effort
 is futile. More important than exercise is to ensure that the function of
 the digestion and bowel elimination is so effective that nothing
 detrimental remains in the body to affect one's health. On contrary to what
 we are told we need a few simple exercises to assist the body in achieving
 this. How often do we not come across centenarians who did not run, swim,
 or pump iron but yet still outlived by many years those that indulged in
 athletic activity.

        Arnold Ehret in Mucusless Diet Healing System (not only one of the best of
 health but one of the most important books ever written) writes on page 83.
        "The cause of subluxation is an accumulation of foreign matters between the
 bones of the spine, and we know that they have their source through wrong
 eating, the same as all other symptoms of disease. Under long fastings I
 saw many deformed spines improve wonderfully."

        Morning sickness reveals in no uncertain terms how the body functions. To
 ensure that birth of the child will be as healthy as possible, the vital
 self-healing intelligence of the body releases from the deeper tissues and
 organs such as the liver all the toxins and unwanted substances that have
 accumulated in the body of the pregnant mother. Overnight this is released
 in the digestive tract and circulation for elimination. These perncious
 substances become so vile and concentrated the next morning that one wakes
 bilious and nauseous. To eliminate these toxic exudates by reflex action
 the body instigates a bout of vomiting. It is the best and most dramatic
 arsenal that the body has to clear the membraneous tract of poisonous
 residues. As bitter as bile - this has its origin in the toxic substances
 the liver sends to the bile duct for elimination. When fowls are prepared
 for the pot, care is taken that the bile is cut out so that the rest of the
 flesh is not contaminated.
        To assist the body overcome this nauseous state on awakening drink a few
 glasses of warm water and tickle the palate to induce regurgitation. Once
 the contents of the stomach have been voided in this manner, one generally
 feels right for the rest of the day. But those who are pregnant may have to
 do it every morning while morning sickness is experienced.

        The yogis and certain African tribes have used the vomiting attribute  to
 cleanse the stomach and digestive tract of all unwanted residues. Some
 yogis do it daily but African people do it once a week. Drink five or more
 glasses of warm water - the first glass can have the juice of a lemon
 squeezed in it - then blow out all the air in your lungs, and while the air
 is out draw the stomach in and out a few times a day. Breathe normally and
 after a few minutes put your finger down the throat to instigate vomiting.
 What is vomited is the toxic and slimy residues from such foods as the
 starches and fats from dairy products and other animal foods. If adequate
 water is drunk at this time it will help to cleanse the kidneys, and
 bladder that is apart from the cleansing that takes place throughout the
 intestinal tract. This quantity of water on an empty stomach creates a
 peristaltic motion that results in a bowel movement. So the simple act for
 drinking a few glasses of water on an empty stomach does more for you than
 all the medicine, health foods and food supplements that you can buy. The
 internal cleansing pressure that the warm water instigates has such a
 revivying effect on the mind that inspiring and innovative thoughts clear
 and transparent flood our consciousness; and with this flow of inspiration
 many a problem is solved. Without asking we become inundated with wonderful
 concepts, many of which are not even related to our main hobbies or
        It means also that if there is such a thing as a cure, remedy or medicine
 then it is plain water used intelligently. In other words the only way we
 can eradicate our illnesses, aches and pains is by washing them out. This
 morning cleansing can be expanded by sniffing water up the nostrils
 alternatively. Nasals cleansed in this fashion has a refreshing effect on
 the sinuses, eyes and brain. Deep breathing in the open will help to clear
 the lungs, bronchial tubes, throat and nostrils of unwanted residues. Here
 again there is nothing, no matter how they attempt to brainwash us, that
 can take the place of consciously breathing deeply. As breath is life and
 life is breath we must make room for it by being careful what we eat. Fresh
 air, some sunshine and sensible exercising can help this process. But above
 all we must select those foods that are alkaline to the tissues and do not
 leave slime, fatty residues, salty deposits in the system that contaminate
 our tissues, membranes and eventually every organ in the body. If man
 waited for natural hunger he will instintively perceive when taking the
 first bite that raw fruit, green tender vegetables and certain root=
 vegetables such as carrots are the food for us.

        When you use the purest water to cleanse the system, it has osmotic
 properties. As it is a light fluid devoid of all mineral and earthy matter,
 it has the necessary power to displace as it permeates the walls of the
 intestines the heavier substances circulating on the other side. This is
 what osmosis means. But the quantity of water on an empty stomach by
 peristalsis instigates a peristaltic movement that ripples throughout the
 small intestines and colon resulting in a bowel evacuation. Drinking a
 large amount of water on an empty stomach is beneficial because of a
 wonderful device - the ileo-cacael valve. This valve is an ingenious device
 that does not allow liquids to pass through to the colon from the small
 intestines but it does allow solids through. Hence it makes no difference
 whether you drink one glass of water or ten they can only be absorbed into
 the system via the intestinal villi. The more water one drinks, the longer
 the water takes to be absorbed in the bloodstream with the result that a
 washing takes place of not only the stomach, duodenum but the entire twenty
 four feet of small intestine. This quantity of water in conjunction with
 the stomach exercise mentioned above helps to wash unwanted residues from
 the walls of these organs, but in so doing the water becomes contaminated
 and if it is putrid enough the body will automatically vomit it up. To get
 the best results one should not eat grains, breads, cereals, potatoes,
 fried food and all dairy products for four or five days before attempting
 the water cleanse. These taboo foods should be replaced by juciy fruits and
 green starchless vegetables. This is necessary for initiating a cleansing
 procedure so that when the water cleansing is commenced it will be more
 effective as it does not have to contend with a sufeit of slime and fatty
 globules. For a thorough cleansing one can drink four or five glasses every
 four hours or so for the entire day (no food being eaten on this day). For
 the first few occasions one does not have to do to this extent. Experiment
 and use your iniative in devising your own programme. The first glass of
 water should contain the juice of a half a lemon or whole lemon depending
 upon its size. Lemon juice and all citrus fruits helps to thin the slime
 and also helps to add valuable minerals, vitamins and sugars to the system.
 It is also good to do some stretching exercises after drinking the water in
 order to assist the circulation through the body. Saunas and running or
 walking until you perspire are all valuable aids. Sunbaths until you sweat
 is also useful. Once again all these measures must be done with a programme
 that assists the internal cleansing and elimination of effete matter.

        To conclude the above here is a short passage about the simple soul.

        I am simple soul. I do no doctoring or nursing and I do not know
 what goes on in a hospital. I am so ignorant of their terminology and
 philosophy that I do not know what to call my symptoms and ailments. But by
 missing meals and eating sparingly on natural foods they are kept in
 control and life still carries on in a sweet way.

        I am a simple soul. I do not have the education to work in a
 laboratory, chemical industry or pharmacy: so having no knowledge of drugs
 and medicine I do not use them. But despite not using these magical
 substances that are suppose to be replete with wonderful benefits, life for
 me goes merrily along.

        What do I really know? I know what I am thinking and how I am
 feeling at the present time. So without being told or by reading, I am
 aware of those things that affect my thoughts and well-being. Sure we have
 to fear the unknown as we do not know what awaits us around the corner, but
 this does not mean we have to have the same fear of the 'unseen'. We cannot
 see daylight unless we watch sunshine percolating through clouds;
 electricity, magnetism and gravity are not perceivable and is only known to
 us by its effects; and if man did not do the forbidden thing by splitting
 the atom and creatng nuclear energy and radiation which have such a
 devastating effect if not properly controlled, he would not have had to
 contend with its harmful nature even though it is not visisble to the eye.
 Germs, microbes, viruses, bacteria and other such mites can only be seen
 through the microscope, but as I cannot see it with my naked sight why
 should I fear them, and why should I assume they cause all the problems
 attributed to them.

         As a simple soul I believe life is greater than our beliefs,
 assumptions and misconceptions that are propagated, preached, and given the
 authorative stamp of being scientific and authentic. Most certainly the
 simple soul must not dance to the piper who puts absolute value and
 definition on things fleeting and phenomena that is forever changing and
 never remaining fixed.

        I have not attended a college or university, and  I certainly do not
 know the meaning of being a postgraduate. I have never sat at the feet of a
 guru and taken the dust off his shoes. But notwithstnading my ignorance in
 these matters, life does still seem to teach me something.

        I am indeed a simple soul. I have no stove, pots or pans. I do not
 possess a kitchen with spices, herbs, oils, salt and specical ingredients
 but yet I never go hungry. A little bit of fruit, some nuts, dried fruit, a
 few raw vegetables, and some plants or edible flowers picked up on
 sidewalks and the wayside does seem to sustain me. A few glasses of clear
 pure water has more nectar in it than the finest wines, liquers and

        I have no desire for expensive vacations and exotic places far away
 that only the rich can enjoy. A little hill nearby, and a wooded street
 gives all the pleasure I need. As my fancy takes me I can walk or run down
 any quiet lane I find. From watching a cat I learnt to stretch all the
 joints and muscles in my body for that relaxed renewal of energy in my

        I have no inclination to read anything sensational, see it on TV or
 the cinema. Spicy bits full of fire, fury, intrique and romance are so dull
 when compared to the discussions I have with my thoughts that I have no
 time for all these diversions. Possibly I believe in the saying that only
 an occupied mind leads to true happiness.

        So to be a simple soul, it may not be easy as it looks. One may have
 to be very sophisticated and advanced in ways not commonly known. It
 certainly appears that to be a simple soul one cannot be stupid. One in
 fact, must be so simple as not to attempt to think things out by conscious
 effort and stress. So we have no alternative but to wait patiently for the
 gleam of inspiration to flash on the mirror of the mind; and it will only
 come when we are ready to receive it. How do we make ourselves a suitable
 receptacle or vehicle for an awe-inspiring thought is something that no one
 can explain - like the origin of life it will always remain a mystery. It
 is not by force but by silently watching the ticking of the mind's inner
 mechanism that an idea or thought that is as golden as light emblazones our
 day in the most enlightening and enthralling way. There is nothing like
 this to energize our life.


        New Science of Healing          Louis Kuhne
        Why Grow Old                    Tony Officer
        Hatha Yoga                      Theos Bernard
        Yoga Gave Me Superior Health    Theos Bernard
        110 Years of youth Through Yoga Charles Arnold
        Mucusless Diet Healing System   Arnold Ehret
        Game of Life                    Florence Shinn
        Everybody's Guide to Nature Cure  Harry Benjamin
        Science of Breath               Yogi Ramacharacka
        Gardening Without Digging       A W Guest
        Man's Search for Meaning        Viktor Frankl
        Kindred Soul (kinship with life) Morris Krok
        Amazing New Health System       Morris Krok
        Golden Path to Rejuvenation     Morris Krok
        Diet Health and Living on Air   Morris Krok
        Formula for Long Life           Morris Krok
        Diary of a Health and Truth Seeker  Morris Krok
        Hatha Yoga - Vibrant Science of Life  Morris Krok
        Fruit the Food And Medicine for Man  Morris Krok
        Hatha Yoga in its Moods Multivarious  Morris Krok
        Health Truths Eternal           Morris Krok
        Doctors Disease and Health      Cyril Scott
        Brain Building                  Marilyn vos Savant
        Healing by Water                T Hartley-Hennessy
        Nature the Healer               John T Richter
        Become Younger                  Norman Walker
        Bechamp or Pasteur              E Douglas Hume
        Thousands of other books have been studied or read
        over the past 50 years and therefore too numerous to

        About Morris Krok, now almost 66 years of age has not used      medicine for
 the past 50 years and very little to the age of 16 - a few doses of castor
 oil, some cough mixture and a few aspirin. Stopped drinking alcohol and
 coca cola as the age of 17. Suffered from a serious ailment at the age of
 23 - no energy, could not walk straight, swollen glands and pain across the
 head and poor digestion. Had a few months X-ray treatment that did not help
 matters. During this time stopped drinking tea and coffee and began reading
 literature on yoga and health. Ill-health did not prevent him from
 continuing with sports such as soccer, cricket and swimming. While at
 school also played rugby and did some athletics in the sprints and
 cross-country events. To improve his sporting actvities he would spend
 hours in front of the mirror going through the various motions related to
 that sport so that he can do them in a graceful and elegant manner. When he
 experienced how the time in front of the mirror improved his performance on
 the playing field that he realized the need to analyse and question life in
 all its aspects. While at primary school he learnt a little about piano
 playing and also to read music. Although he was not born in a musical or
 art loving family, something inside him prompted the desire to study music.
 At the age of thirteen he knittted himself a jersey and pair of socks,
 possibly curious what was involved. This showed that he had an equiring
 mind from early on. Often as a young boy he would go walking alone in the
 country and on one occasion was chased by a young bull. Walking alone in
 the veldt and koppies of Johannesburg and sometimes near the goldmining
 dumps would develop an introspective spirit though he was not aware of it
 at the time. He was not a loner as he did have some school friends but they
 were not essential for his happiness or well-being. If he found a school
 book to his liking he would read the entire book in one sitting. He was an
 average student and he remembered an English teacher telling him that his
 English was so bad that it was like an orange that appeared whole but was
 rotten in the inside. But this same teacher said in a general way that it
 is possible for a dumb student to become successful in some endeavour later
 in his life. One teacher sowed the seed for one to do some reading every
 day and told the class that when you up make your mind to do something, you
 must not stop striving until the task is accomplished. The headmaster Levi
 Jones (known as Baggy because of his untidy dress) incalculated the need to
 approach an interest with enthusiasm. Baggy Jones, a Welshman, was
 fanatically interested in Rugby that he often called teams into his office
 for a briefing. On one occasion he told them that to be keen about the game
 they should sleep with a rugby ball. Using this same approach Morris when
 he became interested in reading would read a few pages before going to
 sleep and read chapters on awakening in the early hours of the morning. A
 practice that he has kept up this very day. Except for remark made to him
 during his last year at school, his life during these teen years was
 uneventful. This teacher, a Mr Venter who taught Afrikaans and who canned
 pupils when we did not know how to spell a word - a stroke for every word
 wrongly spelt but no more than six, told him that with his IQ he should
 pass matric easily but as it happened he only scapped through. Passing an
 exam or learning something requires more than intelligence, it requires a
 method of learning and knowing how to answer the questions set. Good health
 also helps in the studying process.


Morris Krock

Essence of Health is the Essence of Life

P.O.Box 1129
South Africa

Phone +27 31 864521
Fax   +27 31 2670600

==============end of logic.one by Morris Krok============
Those in the U.S. can order the books by Morris Krok from his daughter,

Susan Krok
21 Coquito Ct.
Portola Valley, CA 94028

I suggest using her instead of alternate suppliers, as his family here
will benefit.