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Peter Brandt <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 7 Jun 1997 14:08:18 -0500 (CDT)
text/plain (77 lines)
>I note with relief your friendly tone, and am glad to lay this subject
>to rest

Aajonus Vonderplanitz's theory is that veganism makes aggressive &
angry people. Maybe eating RAF has made me a more peaceful person. :-)

>> As for their individual uniqueness you are seeing something that has
>>escaped me. ;-)

>I was referring to their motivations more than their styles:
>Bob:  Natural hygeine + calorie restriction, big on biomarkers, no
>claims to compassionate veganism, in fact claims to test animal foods
>occasionally but body apparently doesnt need them.
>Ric:  Raw is Law, Rah Rah Rah  Clinton is evil, NFL are great kid
>Save the cute little fuzzy things.  Roe Gallo:  Wow
>Rene:  Life is sacred.  Be kind.  Be a fruitarian.

That was a misunderstanding on my part. I thought you were referring to
NFL. However, I enjoyed your descriptions above, especially that of
Ric. I met him at the expo in SF and as always it was good to see him.

>>>cruelty (IMHO) is very much in the eyes of the beholder.

>>Not to the animal who could care less about the beliefs or ethics of
>>its human predator.

>Are you changing sides here???????

No, just stating the obvious. Some Indian tribes speak of not killing
the animal without first getting permission from its spirit. They were
also concerned about its suffering. When the member of one tribe caught
a bird they had the custom of tying it to a rope and then spinning it
over the head in quick circles until it died.

>I think you misunderstood me. What I meant was, being more
>compassionate and/or peaceful would tend to draw one towards veganism,
>and not the other way around. Which is the cause, which the effect.

It is a possibility. But if vegans conceive themselves as being more
compassionate and peaceful than the rest of us, it can easily promote
conflict & bigotry. That was Rene Beresford's biggest failing.

Regarding making the atmosphere on the list safer & more inviting for
newcomers (vegans) to post, I think it is something of a mute subject.
If you look at those who are presently posting regularly on the list or
speak up in any other forum for that matter, you will find that those
who feel they have something to contribute do it no matter what and
those who don't just do not. I believe that every new person to the
list has always been welcomed either by me or somebody else and that
the reason that many of them pretty quickly revert to lurking mode or
leave the list entirely has been due to the polemic nature of the list
with its less emphasis on sharing of recipes & giving moral support. I
think that if vegans can make it past the fact that eating RAF's is
being discussed, they will also be able to accept that veganism is at
times being viewed in a negative light - in a civil manner of course.

>> I like them both as persons but disapprove of most of
>>their opinions and actions.

>Hmmm, Peter, aside from one's opinions & actions, what's there to
>like, the arrangement of their protoplasm?  ;-)

Charm, friendliness & and a great sense of humor. Often I find people
whose opinions I share to be dull, rude & listless. Have your pick.;-)

Best, Peter
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