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Liza May <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 21:25:37 -0400
text/plain (94 lines)
OOoops - I had said

>I've eaten raw crabs, and raw 'oysters

But I meant to say 'clams' instead of 'crabs'.  I live in the Chesapeake
Bay area - we're the King of Crabs here - but I have to say I've never
eaten em raw. Now that I think of it, THEY look too much like gargantuan
insects, too. I don't like those long sticky-out things on the front of
their heads, or how their eyes are just stuck out on top of their shells
like beads.

Clams and oysters I've eaten raw a lot, actually, and they're good,
(even though clams kinda resemble a naughty part of some people's
anatomy at certain moments, (depending, of course, on what sorts of
things your mind jumps to when it encounters new shapes) ). ;^  But
anyway, I really like clams and oysters. Crabs I've only eaten cooked,
and only quite a while ago, but I must say they've looked pretty filthy
and crawly when I've pulled them up three at a time clinging and
crawling all over a piece of raw chicken meat on a string that I've been
dragging along through the muck and trash on the bottom of the Bay. Yuk.
I've seen and eaten all those different colored strings and spongy lungs
and the yellow stuff that's called the 'mustard' (we always thought it
was the poop, but it tasted fatty so it was my favorite part) - but only
cooked, not raw.

> Crab muscle meat is pretty tame, kinda like chicken breast, but...

How come everything weird always "tastes like chicken?" (I actually have
a good quick n' dirty joke about that - I'll send it privately to anyone
who's interested).

> I'll bet a buck two eighty you didn't eat the crab _guts_ though.

Yes I did, but cooked. So you owe me one forty. ;)

> You let
> the dead crab sit for a day or two at room temp (or the sunny afternoon in
> your car trunk if you wanna "cheat")

One time when I was a little girl my Dad and my little sister and I
snuck onto the ocean-front grounds of a fancy exclusive private country
club, and we saw a huge dump truck that was just FILLED to brimming with
what we thought were freshly caught clams for all the rich people. So me
and my sister hid in the bushes, and my Dad made several runs to the
truck, each time shovelling a pile of clams into his shirt, and running
back to dump them on the ground under the bushes with us. When we had a
huge pile, we snuck off to a better spot, and ate as many as we could
cram and stuff and gorge into ourselves ('cause they were FREE, and they
were stolen from those baaaad rich people, so of course we had to eat AS
MANY AS POSSIBLE). Anyway, by the time we finished, snuck back to the
car, and drove all the way home (about 2 hours) we had all become
VIOLENTLY ILL - with SEVERE food poisoning. My mother, who normally
drank to ignore things that bothered her, this time just completely
sprung a leak and laid into my father like I've only see her do rarely
in her life. Meanwhile me and my poor little sister and my poor father
just thought we were dying - could not stop the continuous violent
vomiting, diahhreah that felt like our internal organs had been
liquified and were being expelled, and stomach pain so searing I've
never felt anything quite like it, and fever and shakes - boy it was
bad. We think that must have been a dump truck of bad clams, or old
rotten clams, or maybe it was a garbage truck. It looked just exactly
like a garbage truck, actually.

But, believe it or not, I like clams, and raw ones even, despite that
story, and despite their um interesting appearance.

> "Oh my, this tastes just like the fish head soup my
> granmamma used to make!

HA!! Did your granmamma really used to do that? Mine made jello.

> "Yummy yummy yummy I got love in my tummy! Hey hey
> hey...hey hey hey!"

I've never been moved to song by crabs, clams, or oysters. Mackerel,
yes, and goat's yogurt definately. BTW, the words are "Yummy yummy yummy
Ah got love in mah tummy, And it feels like Ah'm luvin' you-oo."

> Oysters are absolutely _beautiful_ to my eye, like a jewel, and should
> never be mentioned as a gross out.

Never? Aw c'mon. They are slimy, you have to admit, and lots of people
don't do slimy. Pesonally, the slimy aspect doesn't bother me  at all.
Just as long as the darn thing doesn't start fluttering, or have antenna
things, I'm okay I think.

Love, Liza :)

 ......think I'll go have some yogurt and sing .....

[log in to unmask] (Liza May)