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Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 3 Mar 1998 13:09:51 +0000
text/plain (54 lines)
Hi all,

Barbara wrote:
>And the instinctive messages become progressively more sharpened and
>easier to heed the longer I have been eating a predominantly raw diet.

The same for me.

>No doubt, the instinct
>would be sharpest if all the food one eats is of "instinctive quality",
>but it seems to me that any proportion of raw food in the diet assists
>that instinct to develop to some degree, and to function, at least
>minimally, in relation to everything one ingests.

For me the instincts go crazy when I eat unnatural foods. I frequently
eat until my stomach sends the "full" signal because I'm so used to eat
until something stops me. In earlier days when I ate cooked that wasn't
a problem because even a pizza gave me a good stop and I was perfectly
satisfied after eating it. Incredible (with all my knowledge now) but
true. =:O

>Normally, I cut the orange into quarters and
>suck out the juice and pulp. I did this as usual, but decided to eat
>some of the skin as well, to get the benefit of the bioflavinoids in
>the pith.
>Initially, it tasted quite mild, but I found that I could only eat
>about 1/8 of the whole skin before it was stinging my mouth and I
>didn't want any more. On another day, I ate about 3/4 of a skin before
>it became unpleasant.

I assume with "skin" you don't mean the orange peel of the orange but
the whitish skins inside.
Then you have done exactly what Burger describes in his book concerning
non-instinctive methods. You found a method to overeat oranges by lea-
ving off the skins that would give the stop. How interesting! I was un-
aware of the tricks people invent to be able to overeat natural foods
as is their habit with cooked food. Wow!

I just wonder if Burger would also condemn the same trick for Pomelos
because their skins are so strong that I frequently find me unable to
even chew them not to speak of swallowing. So either I get the pulp
out and throw the skins away or I inevitably end up in spitting them

Instinctive greetings,


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