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Lynton Blair <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 23 Jul 1997 10:08:27 GMT
text/plain (48 lines)
hi Kirt and Stefan:

ever since i read of the Eskimo burying fish to age it, i wondered at the
actual process involved.

>to get rid of parasites in raw fish, maybe one way is to keep the fish
>at room temperature in an airtight box for app. 3 or 4 days. Of course
>it will smell awful afterwards.

so some people do it cold, and others out in the open.
What is important about the 'airtight' box? Do we want to exclude oxygen? or
is it to keep the air we breath breathable while the aging is happening?

Also, what does this do for the parasites? how do they feel ;)  Does the
smell drive them away also? ;)

And what happens to the brave person who tries this for the first time?  Is
it best to try a bit at a time?

>If there are parasites, it is most likely, that they are developing and
>growing then, so you can see them.

Yeah, do we eat it then or thro it away?  Or are they dead and eatable?  Is
there anything wrong with eating the fresh fish with the parasites rather
than the smelly fish?

>To make the fish eatable, you would have to dry it then.

seems like this is optional, but what are the implications for wet or dry?

If you think I ask alot of ??? then I guess I could think up a few more soon

Like, what kinds of fish does this apply to?

I guess the bottom line is:  Is it  _healthy_ ?

Please have mercy on a Raw Fish ignoramus, but I do have a rather open mind
when it comes to food.

In the words of Judy:
>Thanks, Stefan, for the suggestion.  I'm not at a point where I wish to try
>this.  But maybe at some point...!

yours in ROF,