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Lynton Blair <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 22 Jul 1997 03:30:11 GMT
text/plain (92 lines)
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>:
>>...--I had become increasingly dismayed with what I considered the
>>emotional/intellectual imbalance of nearly every 100% rawist I have come

being rather new to 100%raw, i am approaching this in an experimental frame
of mind, hey, whatever works!  my health, fitness and vitality are my
of course i take notice of other people's experiences, and often try out
their ideas.
unfortunately there are some things that take a long time to show up, such
as mucus-mucoid buildup.
am i trying to say that i'm not unbalanced? i think not. (being human...;>)
i can't say that i'm instincto, tho i use some parts of it.

>Agreed. In my experience, the few 100% raw (long time 100% raw) people who are
>mentally balanced usually eat raw dairy, RAF, or are vegans using supplements
>like dried barley grass (all "taboo" items to the mentally unbalanced "100%
>RAW NOW" purists). That is why I always emphasize that I am ~90% raw and use
>some dairy; I don't want to be associated with the crazies.

now to me, "raw" means basically "enzymes intact".  if you want to say
"unprocessed" then its URF?
naturally there are alot of things that come into this category that would
appear to be quite hazardous to eat raw.
so i am conservative.
actually the BarleyGreen and GreenMagma is enzyme-intact and in fact i've
seen it written that the chlorophyl is still functional. so i treat it as
RF, and admit that it's URF but i can live with that (beats a coffee any day
of the week!)

Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>:
>>Steamed Veggies:
>>No problem. No "addiction" occurred as rawsters so often state about the
>>consumption of any cooked food. If they cook to long they seem to go
>>through pretty much undigested, but otherwise I consider them a fine meal
>>useful for crowding out excessive fruit consumption.

i just wonder tho - i was attracted to RF because of the enzyme theory.
personally i tend to think that mucus congestion is primarily caused by
undigested fractions in the "food" intake.  (i now tend to think of
food="wholly nutritious substances", but obviously we are limited in what we
can eat by what is available.  if all there was to eat was something that
needed to be processed to make it safe, then that's the way i would have to
go). would you call this pragmo-eating?
i see, if  one eats a bit of cooked that agrees, (and that doesn't cause
cravings) occassionaly enough, then the rest of the good food will clear out
any undesirable stuff befor the next time its consumed - ergo no toxic buildup?

>I can digest them OK, if unsalted. If salted, they seem to pass through
>undigested. (I don't react well to salt.) Of course, they are not addictive.

>Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>:
>>I wonder if I can get away with these foods because of my relatively long
>>time exclusively raw--or if the would have worked all along. My hunch is
>>that excluding them for years gives me a good perspective (emotionally,
>>intellectually, and metabolically) from which to judge their usefulness.

>I suspect you could have eaten them all along, for it sounds like you
>are eating "clean" cooked foods - simple, unprocessed foods, lightly
>cooked. Ayurveda uses a mono-diet of a cooked dish called khitcharee
>(similar to the "congee" of Traditional Chinese medicine) as a cleansing
>diet. I have tried it for short periods (3 days), and it works very well. So,
>clean cooked foods may help with detox as well. (Khitcharee is a blend
>of white basmati rice, split yellow mung beans, and lightly spiced;
>for recipes, see any Ayurvedic cook book.)

>Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>:
>>And most of all, I can now proudly say, I am not and no longer intend to be
>>100% raw. Hopefully this will keep me from falling off whatever edge so
>>many 100%ers seem to fall off ;) ;)

>We don't want you to fall off the edge (of sanity), that's for sure!  :-)

absolutely, stay away from the edge! (is that my fear of heights returning ;)

>Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>:
>>BTW, he says casually ;), Melisa has a bun in the oven which will be done
>>in late January. A huge delight to us after two miscarries...

well done!