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Pat Stephens <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 09:57:09 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)
 Axel wrote:
>... You can NOT feel this way! FEEL different, or your brothers won't
>have you as a shining example anymore!."

You must decide whether you are studying this for Axel or doing this for a

> Now I am in trouble, because I am open-minded,

oo, la! Quel domage! (what a pity!) Open-minded ones never get any rest,
they are on a life-long quest. You would enjoy a philosophy list, I expect.

>... I posted saying
>that even if it turned out that meat was necesary for some people, that was
>not an issue for me, because I would prefer dying rather than killing a
>sentient being, as I would prefer dying before having to kill you lurkers.
>But now... hope I knew what to say.
>Dazed and confused,
> Axel ([log in to unmask])

There are millions of vegetarians in the word, many by need, many by
creed.(I have never heard their longevity/lifelong health stats compared to
carnivores, anyone?) There are many animals killed every day by other
animals for their own survival.Try not to anthropormorphise--I think you are
asking yourself the wrong questions. What do you think is the scheme of
things? (Write this down, put it in a safe place, and look at it again in 20
years). Step outside the box and see if the answers become clear to you.(
Prepare to spend some years at this excercise  :)

I will tell of an article in the NYT Mag. section last fall, of the healthy
longevity of the Okinawins, who routinely live into their hundreth year,
gardening and sharing fresh produce, caring for themselves, mentally alert.
They are of a very similar culture to the Japanese, who die much earlier,
and have osteoporosis and other debilitating diseases. The difference is
that the Japanese eat so little meat and fat you could call it an occasional
flavoring, no more. The Okinawins eat more meat, more often, but nothing
like compared to the western diet.And these active old ones live together in
harmony and joy, taking walks along the beaches in the evenings, sharing a
close and caring life together. Everyone wakes and throws their door open
first thing in the morning--if not, neighbors soon appear to see what is the
matter.Their young 'uns go off to make their fortunes but come back for=

Moderation? Community? Biological and psychological imperative? AND
nutrition? An interesting question, don't you think?
