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Gregg M Burton <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Mar 1998 10:04:36 -0800
text/plain (132 lines)
Well when we came back it was quite a trip: We started eating Carl's Jr.
Double Bacon Western Cheeseburgers for about 6 months - No Joke!!!  What
we had found is that it wasn't just what you eat that gets you to Total
Awareness but it's Being in the Moment and following what your Body
leads you to eat and if you force it one way or another it will
retaliate in some fashion or another and you'll sling-shot to the other
extreme - Like we did!!!  What's interesting is that I never ate them
again or had much fast food like that again in about over 10 years - And
I'm glad!!!  So I started eating really good Whole Foods and some were
cooked and others were Raw and I also ate Raw whatever I could that I
liked - So I didn't eat raw potatoes or things like that.

So for the last 10 years I basically ate whatever I felt like at the
time and I noticed that I would eat in a Cyclical Nature changing with
what might have been the Seasons or something but really what my Body
felt like eating.  I at times went with my Mind but always went back to
following my Body because it really seems to know what was best when I
was aligned with it - It really does feel like we have several Parts of
Ourselves that seem separate and yet not and connected.  They seem to
be: Spirit/Mind, Feelings/Will, Heart, and Body - There could be more
but that Feels about the Main differentiation that I've noticed.

I noticed a few years ago that I wasn't eating the best at times and
even though I was still eating good things as well I felt it was
catching up with me and didn't feel as good as when I was eating more
Raw Food.  So what I started to do was look more and more into Raw Food
and I had seen and read quite a few books over the years.  Well about 2
years ago I was at either the Whole Life Expo or the Natural Health Show
we have here in L.A. - I think it was the latter - and saw "Nourishing
Traditions - The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition
and the Diet Dictocrats" by Sally Fallon with Pat Connolly and Mary G.
Enig, Ph.D. - Which became one of my favorite books - and that lead me
to wonderful books like the great classic work on Primitive Diets
"Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Dr. Weston A. Price, and also
to look again - I already had it - at the classic work "Pottenger's Cats
- A Study In Nutrition" by Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr. which was about
brilliant studies on diet and physical degeneration in cats and how that
related to Humans.  These are the people that the Price-Pottenger
Nutrition Foundation was named after that was created in 1965 for those
of you who are familiar with that.  There were other great books as well
that covered the gamut of Health, Diet, and Nutrition like Raw and Whole
Food, Enzymes, Fats, Oils, and Minerals etc..

Well from "Nourishing Traditions" I saw recipes for preparing Raw Meat
and I had always wanted to try it but was afraid of the Bacteria etc.
like everyone else, or at least most people.  Well from this I saw that
a lot of cultures eat raw meat and so was willing to try it if I
prepared it right.  I was wondering if I should eat it straight raw or
allow it to ferment or be predigested to a certain extent like I heard
the Eskimos do and other Peoples.  Well I never got around to it - of
course I've had Sushi my whole life but that was different in my Mind -
and last November I heard about a guy who ate Raw Meat while I was at
the Whole Life Expo and that he had a booth and was giving a Lecture and
a Workshop.  Well I went to his booth and saw him talking to others and
learned a bit more about him.  For those of you who don't know who I'm
talking about yet or haven't figured it out yet: it's Aajonus
Vonderplanitz who wrote the book "We Want To Live" and had been eating
RAF - Raw Animal Food - and other Raw Foods for over 29 years now.  When
he was 21, which was 29 years ago, he had Multiple Myeloma (blood and
bone cancers) and was basically sent home to die as they said he was
terminal.  Well after eating RAF he cured himself and has been eating
that way ever since and so that's the reason he's still here and alive
today so he says.  Well I looked at him and "scanned" him and saw that
he was pretty much telling the truth and he looked really great for 50,
like he was maybe 10 years younger, so I was sold!!!  Well we spoke for
awhile and I wanted to know the best ways to and if we needed to or
should age the Raw Meat and let it go "high" and predigest or ferment or
whatever you want to call it like the Eskimos and other cultures did.
Well he was against it and said from what he's seen Indigenous People
only seem to eat fermented foods on special occasions and it wasn't an
everyday affair - I don't know if this is actually true or not but it
could have been his experience.  My Instincts and Body like both
Fermented and Fresh Raw and I want to do both.  From my studies if the
Eskimos didn't feed their dogs "high" (fermented/predigested) fish they
were not hardly enough and didn't have the stamina to handle the harsh
winters etc. so I tend to think that it's actually good for us.  Aajonus
was really against fermented foods of any kind including fruits and
vegetables and I noticed that when I ate these fermented food I not only
like them, I craved them, and thrived on them, so from my experience I
knew they were good for me plus from my Scientific studies into
fermentation, and predigestion, and what it actually does; so I couldn't
really get from Aajonus why it was no good for us in his opinion.

Well I heard his Lecture and how he would eat literally rotten,
bacteria, and parasite infected raw meat and not have any problems with
it or even get sick and not even have any parasites show up in his
system from eating that way.  Well from looking and "seeing" him and
hearing him speak and tell his story and experience etc. I was really
hooked on eating Raw Meat from then on and, in fact, went and got some
within a few days and hadn't stopped since.  I ended up out of all the
raw meats I tried liking Top Round the best with the London Broil cut
because it was thicker about an inch instead of the normal 1/2".  I told
Aajonus what I ended up liking the best and he said he found that too
and so did most people - I thought that was interesting.  I also got raw
beef liver and raw chicken liver and started eating them too and feeding
the same foods to my Cats - So I was telling everyone I basically eat
the same Diet as my Cats!!! - :) - And it was true!!!  I didn't feed
them a lot of muscle meats because I thought the organ meats were better
for them and the muscle meats were so expensive especially since I only
bought Natural Organic Beef, but I recently learned that I should
balance it with muscle meats as well because just liver can throw your
system out of balance after awhile.

Well one thing I noticed that I found really interesting and made me
happy and feel good was that the second I tasted Raw Meat the first time
I had absolutely no aversion to it plus actually loved the taste and
started craving it from them on.  I also noticed the same thing from the
raw beef and chicken liver and that really surprised me - So much for
cultural aversion to Raw Muscle and Organ Meat - I loved them from that
start and was craving and thriving on them - I really was!!!

Well during this time I was also looking into others types of foods and
how to prepare them.  So from reading and studying "Nourishing
Traditions" I looked into Grains and how to prepare them by soaking them
to neutralize the Phytic Acid in the outer later or bran so that it
doesn't chelate and block mineral absorption - So I soak my grains for
at least 24 hours like the our Ancestors did.  Soaking also neutralizes
the Enzyme Inhibitors, present in all grains, and encourages the
production of other beneficial Enzymes.  I also was eating Sprouted
Breads and Raw Fermented Vegetables and Sauerkrauts.  Of course, all
during this time I continued to have all my Raw Dairy Products that I
had been having since about 1985 that I mentioned earlier.  I did
recently find a source for Raw Organic Goat cheese that was Hand-Made
and Unsalted - which was great - and added that to my Diet.

I did notice that after a few months on Raw Meats I was finally getting
a little tired of them and wanted some Raw Fruits and Vegetables again -
During this time I barely had any but felt fine - As I had said before I
really follow what my Body leads me to eat and it seems to work well for
                             [Part 2 of 4]