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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Nov 1998 20:35:31 -0600
Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Wes Peterson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (178 lines)

> (By the way - you avoided my question about which school you're
> attending. Which school is it? Certainly not Bastyr - they're pretty
> good at training their students to think, and providing a breadth of
> information there that would preclude the simplistic 'theories' like
> those you have expressed here.)

Your sarcasm makes my raw blood almost boil.

Liza - I hear you just completed second grade. How did you do on your
report card? Did you get a sticker (one of those big puffy ones)?

> Once again, refer to the description of the list that you got when you
> signed on, which David posted, just for you, a couple of weeks ago. This

You're flawed. You can't even remember correctly. David did not post

> foods. This list does not have an "agenda" to convert everyone,
> regardless of their dietary needs, into a raw-food vegan. Had you

If you're hinting that has been my "agenda" to convert people, and not
only that - but to a raw-food vegan -- then, boy your "logic" is truly

> No, YOU are the one that singled out protein loss as the factor you were
> addressing. Look at your own post.

Yes, and I just sent some references (which you previously said I didn't
even know what one was).

> Precisely which other factors are you referring to? Spell them out, and
> then it is possible to discuss whether or not cooking affects them, or

Boy, aren't you the entertainer. See references I just posted for more
info - one drop in the bucket of the whole picture re: cooked.

> You're contradicting yourself. Last time you said you believe everyone
> should eat only raw foods. Everyone.

Please show me where I stated this. I did say raw is superior to cooked
in my opinion. Again, show me where I said everyone should eat raw
(although that isn't such a bad idea).

> Yeah, it's that us-and-them thing. We, the good guys, would never, ever,

I see you have a way of twisting the meaning of what I said.

> EVER, ever, ever eat those bad evil nasty cooked egg whites, or pizza,
> or gawd forbid, weight-gainer or weight-loser powders. Only stupid
> people do any of those things. Or the bad guys.

No, only people who don't know any better, or don't care, or are

> someday). Then, you can still eat pizza and be cool.

I suppose you're among the "cool" pizza-eating clan, huh?

> But man - those guys that eat pizza and ENJOY it - oh wow. Uncoolness
> Incarnate. Especially the ones that seem strong and healthy and happy.

Boy, you have a way of justifying your addictions. Did you get your
nutrition degree from Dominos? ;)

> What precisely do you mean by biological value? How are you defining
> that term?

LOL!!! And you call yourself a "nutritionist"?!

> YOU are the one that used your own leanness to support your raw-egg

No, raw fats in general. Not just raw eggs, which are used in

> eating. YOU are the one that introduced body fat percentage as the guage
> for health, not Jean-Louis. HE tried to respond logically to YOUR
> statement Wes.

He told me he knows lean pizza-eaters, in response to my saying I eat
raw fats and am lean. I then followed up by saying that leanness isn't
the only factor in health. So what's your point?

> Yet again, this list is not FOR or AGAINST any diet. It is a forum for
> consideration of the complexities of human biochemistry as they pertain
> to nutrition and health, with a particular focus on raw foods.

Your attitude seems strongly opposed to eating all raw. You appear to be
strongly AGAINST my eating all raw (as evidenced by this and previous
posts - you told me it would be wise to eat cooked, if you recall).

> You just DO NOT GET IT. Reminds me of the two blondes that go out to fix
> a fence, and the one says "hey some of these nails have the points on

Boy, you know, I would just love to wring your neck right now.

> Zonian, French, Jenny Craigistic, pedophilian, what-have-you.

"Pedophilian"? - pretty sick!

> He may very well have been healthy, too, right up to his death. I don't
> think you understand about health, and death, yet. Hopefully that comes
> later in your studies at -- what school is it?

Yeah, heart attack = healthy. I pity those who go to you for your
almighty "nutritionist" wisdom.

> Well, if you're going to make dumb statements, proof is required. If you
> make a weency bit smarter statements, no proof is required.

Nothing but dumbness from you so far.

> No, this is a very dumb list. There is an unusually large proportion of
> stupid people on this list, for some reason.

It's only as dumb as its weakest link, which looks to be you at this

> Actually, yes. I would like that, if it's not too much trouble. Exactly
> which aspects of that diet are you referring to? Since the term SAD is
> so widely inclusive, I'd like to know precisely what you mean when you
> speak of that diet.

Wow, you sound like you have just incredible credentials. I suppose you
recommend pizzas to your clients.

> I, in fact, do question that "fact."  And I would like to hear your
> favorite definition of SAD.

LOL!!!!!!!!! You dig yourself deeper every time.

> I'm not sure. What do you think? Are you on the right list? What do you
> think this list is about?

I think I should be the one asking YOU that question. All your posts are
lousy. Every one. You contribute NOTHING to this list of value (except
sarcasm and entertainment for the bored reader).

> Since health is determined by many other factors besides food, his
> health could, in fact, be quite excellent, eating only these things. I
> see people all the time that have subsisted for years - decades -
> lifetimes - on chocolate bars, potato chips, pepsi, and an occassional
> hamburger "for the protein" (with lettuce and tomato added since
> everybody knows you're supposed to eat vegetables). And these people are

I explain that by seeing the fact that you include those items in your
diet as well, and thus need every justification imaginable to try to
prove they are healthful.

> often - and I'm using the word often not sometimes - strong, healthy
> from every way one might ascertain this aspect, cheerful, and
> fun-loving. How do you explain that?

My explanation, FWIW: Genetic makeup/constitution varies in people. Some
people can smoke every day and live to 100. Some die at 40. This isn't
to say that the abovementioned people are anywhere near optimal health.

> > Road kill doesn't appeal to me. When I see a dead animal laying on the
> > road, I certainly don't get excited about it and desire to imbibe in
> > that putrefying flesh.
> You might if you were hungry.

Eating all raw, I'm rarely hungry (getting lots of nutrients!) And if I
was, I would not eat a dead, decaying animal, nor would the thought of
it tempt me.

> > But to each his/her own.
> Aha! You haven't said this before.

If you look at my previous posts on this list (many of which you have
conveniently ignored), you'll see that I have stated that before (to
