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Sun, 24 May 1998 16:07:52 -0500
text/plain (84 lines)
>Hello Ben,
>I would be interested is how things turn out.  I've read Aagjonus's book as
>well.  Are you going by his diet?  If so, maybe you could give me a run
>down of how you feel on it and the main things you eat.

Yes, I mostly follow Aajonus' RAF recommendations.  Cheifly, I consume the
following raw products:  beef, chicken, butter, cheese, goat milk, juiced
veggies, and a little fruit.

>I still can't get raw dairy products here in TX, but I'm moving to Los Angeles in early June,
> I think it won't be a problem there.

As a fellow Texan (close to houston), I can agree that raw dairy is _very_
hard to come by in Texas.  It is illegal to sell it commercially.  After
_months_ of searching, I finally found a small goat farmer about 45 min away
that sells me about 2.5 gallons of goat milk every week.

>Has anybody else on this list read Aajonus's book and/or following his
>recommendations?  I came across a page that had a listserv about his work.
>I signed up for it, but it may be inactive, or else my sign up didn't go
>through.  Not sure?

You signed up on a list that I maintain.  It is on-line, but it is pretty
slow most of the time.

>What kind of vaccine damage are you experiencing and what vaccines(aside
>from all of them)do you think are causing the damage.

Well, Ryan, this is a long story.  Let me make it brief and share it with

I was generally healthy until about two years ago.  I was very athletic,
enjoying sports such as soccer, mountain biking, and swimming several times
a week.  As a member of the Mormon church, I decided to go on a service
mission for two years in Guatemala.  As such, I was required to recieve a
grand total of 5 vaccinations:

Hep A
Hep B
Yellow Fever

Upon recieving the MMR vaccination, things began to change drastically.  The
very next day I became violently ill, experiencing symptoms I had never
before known in my life, including mild seizures, shaking, extreme joint
pain, dizziness, high fever, and just generally feeling like death warmed
over.  The intern at our student health center at Brigham Young University
recognized it as an adverse reaction but did not report it to VAERS (the
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which I didn't even know existed
back then.)  Info on VAERS can be found at:


In a nutshell, my health was never the same from that very day.  I
experienced the joint pain, severe fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and loss
of weight (40 lbs).  For several months I was bedridden.

About one year later,  I regained enough functionality to start looking into
what happened.  What I found enraged me.  I found that there was a lot of
published information about the reactions that often accompany vaccinations.
I also found that the government has paid over a billion dollars
compensating people for adverse vaccine reactions in the last 10-15 years
alone.  In short, I found that there were thousands of other people who had
experienced what I had.  I was not the first, and definitely not the last.

Since then, I have been experimenting with raw foods to help heal my body.
A friend introduced me to Aajonus' raw food recommendations, and I have been
using them with much success.  However, the success has only come through
about a year of patience and determination to change my lifestyle.

Now I find myself specifically targetting the vaccine damage.  This is why I
have contemplated and decided on using Aajonus' moldy berry therapy in
treating my vaccine damage.  It is targetted at specifically disabling the
harmful and persistent antibodies formed by the vaccines.

I will most surely keep you updated on how this therapy works, whether good
or bad.  Thanks again for your interest, Ryan.

Wishing the best of healh,
