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Fri, 27 Feb 1998 23:19:22 -1000
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (243 lines)
I finally have my first edition of NFL and a copy of Raw Eating by A.T.
Hovanessian in hand, and, as promised earlier, would like to post a few
snippets from each for everyone's amusement. Peter certainly wasn't
kidding when he said the plagiarism appeared to be extensive. Indeed,
it is nearly paragraph for paragraph in many chapters. Since it is so
unbelievably easy to find the matching paragraphs (mostly they are in
order, blow by blow, but there has been some rearranging) which were so
blatently stolen, I may post a periodic reminder of NFL's absolute lack
of honesty, integrity, and originality. Until they threaten to sue
me--then I'll post them SEMI-periodically ;)

Find below nearly all of NFL's Chapter 5, as it is ripped off from Raw
Eating. Don't worry--an NFL "chapter" is only six paragraphs in this
case ;) And as a special bonus for plowing through that whoooooooole
chapter there awaits you my personal favorite (so far at least) in NFL
plagiarism at the end.

For those of you with Eudora, Hovanessian's words in blue; NFL's
"words" in red...



Hovanessian, paragraph one, page 13: Addiction to Cooked Food is the
Most Dangerous of All Vices

<color><param>0000,0000,FFFF</param>The reader may naturally wonder why
none of the numerous scientists and professors sees these simply truths
and why nobody tells us that eating cooked foods is unnatural and
dangerous. The reason is that the whole of mankind are food addicts and
food-addiction has blinded everybody. Nobody realizes that
cooked-eating is a vice and that it is indeed the most terrible of all

NFL page 15, Chapter 5: <color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>Cooked
Food: A Physio-Chemical Addiction

"Addiction conquers science and takes it into its talons."


<color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>Many people naturally wonder why
none of the numerous "learned" scientists and philosophers understand
these simple Truths and why nobody has yet told humanity that eating
cooked food is unnatural and dangerous. The reason is that all of
humanity is addicted to cooked food and that addiction has blinded
everybody. Nobody realizes that cooked-food eating is a vice. It is, in
fact the most terrible vice of all..



Hovanessian, page 13, still the first paragraph:

<color><param>0000,0000,FFFF</param>It is not a craving after only one
kind of substance but the sum total of one's voracious longings for
thousands of substances (and what "marvellous", "desirable" substancs
at that!). Besides, short-sighted cooked-eaters see richness and
excellence in the multiplicity of the debasements to which foodstuffs
are subjected, whereas it is the very multiplicity of the dabasements
that gives rise to the multiplicity of harms, the true reflection of
which can be seen in the large variety of illnesses which prevail in
the world today.</color>

NFL page 15 Chapter 5, second paragraph of Chapter 5:

<color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>Cooked-food addiction encompasses
not just a craving for one type of substance, but hundreds, even
thousands, of substances. On top of this, short-sighted cooked-eaters
see richness and excellence in the mutiplicity of debased foodstuffs.
It is this very multiplicity of debasements that gives rise to a
multiplicity of harms. A true reflection of this can be seen in the
large variety of illnesses that prevail in the world today--especially
in the "rich, developed" world.</color> (NICE TOUCH, EH? SINCE IRAN WAS


Hovanessian, page 13, second paragraph:

<color><param>0000,0000,FFFF</param>Man becomes addicted to these
substances that contain poisons such, as tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol,
opium, cocaine, morphine, etc. The strong craving for these substances
is stimulated by corresponding poisons collected in the human organism.
Cooked foods produce a large variety of poisons which, in the course of
time, are stored in different parts of the organism, such as on the
walls of veins and capillaries, between the joints, in the center of
fat cells and elsewhere.</color>

NFL page 15-16, 3rd and 4th paragraph of chapter 5:

<color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>Human beings become addicted to
substances that contain poisons, such as tea, coffee, cooked marijuana,
cooked tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, etc. Addictions promote and
defend themselves. </color>[DOES THAT MAKE NFL AN ADDICTION, I WONDER

<color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>    The strong craving for these
substances is stimulated by corresponding poisons collected in the
human organism. Cooked foods contain a large variety of poisons which,
in the course of time, are stored in different parts of the body. They
are deposited on the walls of veins and capillaries, between the
joints, in the center of fat cells, and elsewhere.



Hovanessian, page 13, still the second paragraph:

<color><param>0000,0000,FFFF</param>Just as the craving of a drug
addict for heroin does not arise from the normal physiological needs of
his body, so the desire of a cooked-food eater for cooked food, his
feeling of hunger, is not the normal demand of his organism; rather it
is the demand of his addiction. It is the expression of impulses that
are stimulted by the poisons collected in the human organism; it is the
demand of the diseases nestled in the body, the call of man's worst

NFL, page 16, paragraph 5 of chapter 15:

<color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>The crack addict's craving for rock
cocaine does not arise from the normal physiological needs of the
organism; it is created by a physio-chemical addiction. Similarly, the
desire for cooked food, is not a physiological need, but a
physio-chemical addiction. It is the expression of impulses that are
stimulted by the poisons  and malformed cells thriving in the organism.
It is the demand of the diseases nestled in the body, the call of
humanity's worst enemy.</color> [LEST ANYONE CLAIM THEY ARE SEXIST, EH?


Hovanessian, page 13, third and final paragraph:

<color><param>0000,0000,FFFF</param>That terrible vice is introduced
into the body of every human being by his own parents right from the
cradle. That is why the moment the baby begins to take notice and start
talking, food-addiction has already secured a firm hold on him and from
that moment to the very end of his life he regards cookd food as his
normal diet and his strong craving for it as his physiological demand;
it is this that he mistakes for real hunger.</color>

NFL, 16, sixth and final paragraph (except for the "cooked food is
poison" tag ;)):

<color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>That terrible vice is introduced
into the body of every human being by his or her own mother when still
an embryo via the umbilical cord and placenta. Once the child is born
the parents unwittingly continue this insane process. Even before the
child has learned to talk, cooked-food addiction has already secured a
physio-chemical hold on the organism. From that moment to the end of
s/he regards cooked food as normal and natural and the craving for it
s/he mistakes for hunger.



Hovanessian, page 108, third full paragraph:

<color><param>0000,0000,FFFF</param>Perhaps some of my readers may not
like my tone of writing. In their opinion my expressions should
preferably be more scientific (adorned with a Latin terminology
unintelligible to most people), more conciliatory (complaisant), more
serious (hypocritical), more compromising (unscrupulous), more
courteous (lying), and more tactful (cowardly). But I prefer to be
decisive, sincere and bold. And that is how I shall be, even if I find
the whole world against me. I am confident that I shall be supported by
all sensible people and vindicated by future generations.


NFL, page 178-9

<color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>Perhaps some people do not like our
tone of writing. In their opinion our expressions should preferably be
more scientific (adorned with Greek and Latin terminology
unintelligible to most people), more conciliatory (milquetoast), more
serious (hypocritical), more compromising (unscrupulous), more
courteous (filled with lies), and more tactful (cowardly). We are
driven by forces seeded in our blood. We are decisive and bold. We are
accurate and succinct. We hold nothing back and get right to the point.
That is how we shall be, even if we find the whole world against us. We
are confident that we shall be supported by all sensible people and
vindicated by future generations.</color>




Hovanessian, page 108, third full paragraph, third sentence:

<color><param>0000,0000,FFFF</param>But I prefer to be decisive,
sincere and bold.</color>

NFL, page 179, second full sentence:

<color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>We are decisive and bold.</color>


They are laughing stocks is more like it. A final chesnut before I call
it a night:

NFL, from page 173 in the first edition (and from p.171 of the 2nd
edition, I'm told):

<color><param>FFFF,0000,0000</param>"It may be said that Truth is the
highest virtue, but we have found that

living truthfully is higher still."</color>

Ouch! Could they be more serious (hypocritical)?

I looked around in Raw Eating to see which sentence of Hovanssian's
they might have lifted for this gem, but haven't come across it yet.
Perhaps this sentence is an original for the Milli Vanelli trio. I'm
not sure which would be funnier: if it was actually penned by our
favorite plagiarists or if it was plagiarized.

I'm also wondering why it took all three of these fellows to "write"
their book.

Any ideas?



PS-- Permission granted to anyone to repost this anywhere you'd care
to. Oprah would love this stuff I'm sure...or is the cattlemen who
would love it--I forget ;)