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Thu, 26 Feb 1998 16:47:47 PST
fred patenaude <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
I wrote:
>>Chimps are eating meat. SO? They eat bugs and dirt and their own feces
>>too. That just prove that chimps are really degenerated.

>Actually, it proves that you suffer from the same delusion as your
>friends: you think that nature must conform to the false dogma you have
>been taught. Nature does not care about dogma. Who knows more about
>the diet of chimps? The chimps themselves, or a bunch of fanatical,
>hostile, plagiarists? :-)

The only chimps that were observed were by cooked-food addicts and
scientists (that alone is enough to dicredit the whole thing)who fed
them spaghetti and other cooked abobinations. There is no way that you
can know what a wild animal really eats. And who cares about the chimps
anyway, they can eat whatever they what, that's not gonna affect my
life. What do I care about a bunch of chimps that I've never seen in by
life, and that the only datas relating to their diet was  collected by
some unhappy cooked food scientist. I judge by my own observation. I
want to eat, there's some fruit trees and wild greens and wild animals.
I eat the fruit. Period.