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Tue, 30 Sep 1997 09:50:01 -0400
Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)

> I tried some cooked food yesterday, after four months of instincto eating.
> My face expoloded with rashes and pimples about two hours after eating the
> rice. The pimples are still there today, but going away rather quickly.
> Nonetheless, a rather unpleasant experience.
> Also, I was recently helping someone paint a few rooms.  I must have
> inhaled more than I should have as my face also had rashes and pimples
> afterwards.

During the last 11 months, I had about 9 cooked meals, with no consequences
(although I used to have on average 3-4 pimples on my face before going raw)
[the cooked foods were sometimes among the "worst", like pasta with cheese,
cakes, bread...]. I also painted a bathroom last May, and sometimes had a few
glasses of beer without problems.

However, two weeks ago, I tried some raw cheese: about 2 lbs in 3 days. The
result was 1 pimple on my face, and unpleasant mucus (in the throat and in the
nose). I renewed the experiment a few days ago, but this time, 1 lb in 3 days.
My skin remained clear. I still had some mucus, but at an acceptable level.


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